Len Wein United States

12 June 1948 in United States
10 September 2017 in United States
69 years
Credited for





Also known as

Leonard Norman Wein (birth name)

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Wikipedia (English)

Showing items 141 to 150 of 595

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Doomsday Album (Murray, 1975 series) #13 (September 1979)
Cyrano's Army
Comic: Comic story
Weird Mystery Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #40 (September 1979)
Be It Ever So Humble...
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure Album (KGM, 1976 series) #13 (October 1979)
The Case of the Off-Key Crimes! (Hawkman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Superboy Comic (Murray, 1976 series) #117 (October 1979)
He Who Survives--! (Eclipso)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #44 (October 1979)
The Symphony for the Devil Contract (The Human Target)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes Album (Murray, 1977 series) #14 (November 1979)
A World for the Winning (Legion of Super Heroes)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #45 (January 1980)
The House That Haunted Batman (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #45 (January 1980)
The Coming of Clayface III (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #45 (January 1980)
If a Man Be Made of Clay (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
The Rampaging Hulk (Yaffa, 1980?) (1980)
Return of the Metal Master! (The Rampaging Hulk)
Comic: Cover



  • 4 Mar 2018

Last updated

  • 4 Mar 2018