AusReprints needs your comics by James Zee
How You Can Help
This website is a collaborative effort! Since went online in 2003, I've made surprising progress documenting Australian reprint comics. But I need your help with issues I don't have.
The easiest way to help is to email me a high quality scan of missing or poor quality covers. If you have the time, I also welcome story details and full content information. All contributions can be emailed to me at the link at the bottom of this page.
Cover Scans
Cover images can be any size or type that provide a useful representation of the cover. However, here's my preferred format:
Scan, rather than photograph the comic. Photographs are normally less clear with inconsistent colour or lighting.
Scan at 200dpi or higher, so that the cover image is at least 1000 pixels wide.
Save in JPG format (although I can deal with almost any format) with low compression. JPG files become less clear with high compression.
Where possible, I'm listing full details of the contents, including original source and creator credits. The following is the minimum I need to track down this information on the internet:
Story title (in the order they appear in the comic). It the story doen't have a title, include the first line of distinctive text to help identify it.
Feature title (eg "Superman", "The New Adventures of Superboy" or "Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes"). The main featured characters are helpful if it is not clear from the feature's title.
Number of pages in the story (this is particularly important with 1980s comics where consecutive stories are sometimes merged and the join might not be obvious).
Some other distinguishing features of obscure one-off stories and untitled items (eg synopsis, signatures, printed credits, a scan of the first page).
Want to do more?
If you have time and are inclined, you can also provide:
A full index: all story details, in the standard form on the site, can save me doing the research. This can be time consuming at first, but gets quicker with practice. While I use a range of resources, my main tool is to track down credits for story creators is he Grand Comics Database. For some other useful books and websites, see my references.
Anything unusual: If there is anything distinctive or unusual, an advertisement or particularly Australian artwork, it is great to have a scan of that particular page.
Indicia: I’m recording the indicia, that is the small print usually at the bottom of page 1 that gives publication information. A typed version or a scan of that info, large enough to be readable, would be good. This information helps develop a greater understanding of the history of Australian publishers and the date of an undated comic.
I aim to acknowledgement contributors by name. Please let me know if you would prefer to not be acknowledged publicly.
Email all contributions to