The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #15 (December 1957) — The Sightless Lois Lane (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #106 (December 1957) — The Super-Teacher from Krypton! (Superboy, the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Cover
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #107 (January 1958) — The Super-Outlaw from Smallville (Superboy, the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #91 (January 1958) — The Invulnerable Enemy (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #16 (January 1958) — The Jilting of Superman (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #126 (January 1958) — Superman Loses His Powers (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #126 (January 1958) — The Midget Superman (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #107 (January 1958) — The Super-Outlaw of Smallville (Superboy, the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #92 (February 1958) — The Three Super-Sleepers (Superman and Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #17 (February 1958) — The Forbidden Box from Krypton (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #17 (February 1958) — The Forbidden Box from Krypton (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #92 (February 1958) — The Three Super-Sleepers! (Superman and Batman with Robin)
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #93 (March 1958) — The Duplicate Disasters (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #109 (March 1958) — The Gaucho of Smallville! (Superboy, the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Cover
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (Colour Comics, 1955 series) #35 (March 1958) — The Human Geiger Counter (Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic Annual (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #4 (April 1958) — The Richest Man in the World! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #95 (April 1958) — The Armored Batman (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (Colour Comics, 1955 series) #36 (April 1958) — The Day There Was No Jimmy Olsen! (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Cover
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #110 (April 1958) — No title recorded (Superboy, the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Cover
Colossal Comic Annual (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #4 (April 1958) — Batman Falls in Love! (Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic Annual (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #4 (April 1958) — Batman's Greatest Thrills! (Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic Annual (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #4 (April 1958) — The Hunters' Club! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #111 (May 1958) — The Sister of Superboy! (Superboy)
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #95 (May 1958) — The Boy from Outer Space! (Superman)
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #95 (May 1958) — The Boy from Outer Space! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story