The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #30 (March 1959) — Tomahawk's Air Force (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #31 (April 1959) — The Mystery Prison of Lost Island (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #36 (May 1959) — The Belle in Buckskins (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #11 (May 1959) — The Hunt for Tomahawk (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #32 (May 1959) — The Frontiersman from the Future! (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #33 (June 1959) — The Frontier Destroyer (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #37 (June 1959) — The Frontier Rogues' Gallery (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #14 (July 1959) — The Strongest Man in the World (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #37 (October 1959) — The Strange Hero of Fort Mascot (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #14 (November 1959) — The Great Indian Bank Robberies (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story