Russ Heath United States

29 September 1926 in United States
23 August 2018 in United States
91 years
Credited for



Also known as

Russel Jr Heath

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Showing items 1 to 100 of 192

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Wild Western (Horwitz, 1955? series) #19 (May 1950)
Untitled (Kid Colt)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (AGP, 1952 series) #3 (April 1952)
Bushwhacker's Boomerang! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (AGP, 1952 series) #3 (April 1952)
Fight or Crawl, Outlaw! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #8 (September 1952)
The End of the Trail! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #9 (October 1952)
Gold and Guns at Roaring Gulch (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #10 (November 1952)
Bushwhack Bullets for a Colt-Quick Gunhawk! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #10 (November 1952)
Flashing Steel of Doom! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #11 (December 1952)
Reign of the Colt-Quick Clan (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #12 (January 1953)
Colt-Quick Killers for Hire! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #13 (February 1953)
Ambush in Lone Valley! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #14 (March 1953)
The Gunfighter and the Girl! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #14 (March 1953)
The Gunfighter and the Girl! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #16 (May 1953)
Jail House (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
First Romance (Barmor, 1952 series) #9 (1953)
Husband of Nancy Lee
Comic: Comic story
Battle! Comics (Transport, 1954 series) #1 (July 1953)
5 Hours 'Til Dawn!
Comic: Comic story
Journey into Unknown Worlds (Jubilee, 1953? series) #1 (July 1953)
Return from Mars
Comic: Comic story
Journey into Unknown Worlds (Jubilee, 1953? series) #4 (1953)
The Voice of Death
Comic: Comic story
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #5 (November 1953)
Untitled [Truck Convoy] (Combat Casey)
Comic: Cover
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #5 (November 1953)
Truck Convoy
Comic: Comic story
Journey into Unknown Worlds (Jubilee, 1953? series) #5 (November 1953)
The Men Who Conquered the Earth
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #22 (1953)
The Island That Knew No Law (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Journey into Unknown Worlds (Jubilee, 1953? series) #6 (December 1953)
No Return!
Comic: Comic story
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #9 (March 1954)
Comic: Cover
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #14 (August 1954)
Untitled [Breakthrough!]
Comic: Cover
Wild Western (Transport, 1956? series) #10 (August 1954)
Guns of Juan Perez!
Comic: Comic story
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #15 (September 1954)
Hornets' Nest
Comic: Comic story
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #16 (October 1954)
The Checkerboard Squadron
Comic: Cover
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #17 (November 1954)
"Battleship" Burke
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #35 (December 1954)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #18 (December 1954)
Noose around Pusan
Comic: Cover
Navy Action (Transport, 1955 series) #3 (March 1955)
Battle Stations
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1955 series) #42 (April 1955)
Rival Guns! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Transport, 1952 series) #40 (May 1955)
The Man Who Brought Kid Colt to Justice (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Battle Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #10 (May 1955)
The Sky Is Free!
Comic: Comic story
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #24 (June 1955)
Between Two Fires!
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1955 series) #45 (July 1955)
Untitled [The Raiders!] (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Battle Brady (Horwitz, 1955 series) #5 (August 1955)
The Eve of Battle! (Battle Brady)
Comic: Cover
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #27 (September 1955)
The Enemy!
Comic: Cover
Battle! (Transport, 1953 series) #27 (September 1955)
The Town!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #17 (December 1955)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #17 (December 1955)
The Big Guns Roar!
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1955 series) #51 (January 1956)
The Get-Away!
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #1 (February 1956)
The Thunder of the Chariots! (The Golden Gladiator)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #2 (March 1956)
The Sword of Attila! (The Golden Gladiator)
Comic: Comic story
Combat Kelly (Horwitz, 1955 series) #6 (April 1956)
Untitled (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Comic story
Combat Kelly (Horwitz, 1955 series) #6 (April 1956)
The Rat Run (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #3 (April 1956)
The Invisible Wall (Golden Gladiator)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #5 (June 1956)
The Shield of Terror (The Silent Knight)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #1 (June 1956)
Fight or Crawl, Outlaw! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #1 (June 1956)
Bushwhacker's Boomerang! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Combat Kelly (Horwitz, 1955 series) #8 (June 1956)
The Commie Secret Agents! (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #6 (July 1956)
Captive Champion! (The Golden Gladiator)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #7 (August 1956)
The Battle of the Pyramid! (The Golden Gladiator)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #7 (August 1956)
The Forest of Traps (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #9 (October 1956)
The Challenge of the Grim Jester! (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1955 series) #61 (November 1956)
Gun Savvy! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #10 (November 1956)
Three Arrows Against Doom! (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #13 (February 1957)
Untitled [The King of the Sea!] (Robin Hood)
Comic: Cover
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #13 (February 1957)
The King of the Sea! (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
Apache Kid (Horwitz, 1957? series) #1 (April 1957)
Untitled (Apache Kid)
Comic: Cover
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #16 (May 1957)
The Apple of Peril (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #16 (May 1957)
Stop Robin Hood! (Robin Hood)
Comic: Cover
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #17 (June 1957)
King Robin, the 1st! (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
Navy Action (Horwitz, 1956 series) #26 (July 1957)
Objective: Destroy the Enemy! (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Comic story
The Brave and the Bold (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #20 (October 1957)
The Secret of Sherwood Forest (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #2 (July 1958)
The Gunfighter and the Girl! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #2 (July 1958)
Ambush in Lone Valley! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Gunsmoke Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #3 (July 1958)
Nuggets of Death! (Arizona Kid)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #8 (August 1958)
The Bow That Couldn't Be Bent (Robin Hood Tales)
Comic: Comic story
Gunslingers (Horwitz, 1958 series) #2 (October 1958)
Jail House (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #5 (December 1958)
The Curse of the Chinese Idol! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #5 (December 1958)
Gold and Guns at Roaring Gulch! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #5 (December 1958)
Flashing Steel of Doom! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #13 (May 1959)
Challenge of the Sinister Queens! (The Silent Knight)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #13 (May 1959)
Challenge of the Sinister Queens! (The Silent Knight)
Comic: Cover
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #33 (June 1959)
Three Arrows against Doom! (Robin Hood)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #12 (July 1959)
The End of the Trail! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Navy Combat (Horwitz, 1958 series) #9 (August 1959)
Supplies from Nowhere
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #13 (August 1959)
Six-Gun Deadline! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #99 (November 1959)
The Tough Hombre!
Comic: Comic story
Combat Casey (Horwitz, 1960 series) #1 (March 1960)
The Fighting Infantry's Red-Bearded Riot! (Combat Casey)
Comic: Cover
Marines in Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #48 (July 1960)
Into the Jaws of Death!
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #27 (July 1960)
Secret of the Flying Buzz Saw!
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #28 (August 1960)
Steal Planet Xerbo
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #21 (October 1960)
The Golden Monster (The Sea Devils)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #22 (December 1960)
The Prize Flippers (Sea Devils)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #32 (December 1960)
Invasion of the Water Warriors!
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #23 (February 1961)
Undersea Prison (Sea Devils)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #23 (February 1961)
Untitled (Sea Devils)
Comic: Cover
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #24 (April 1961)
The Last Dive of the Sea Devils! (Sea Devils)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #24 (April 1961)
Untitled (Sea Devils)
Comic: Cover
Navy Action (Horwitz, 1956 series) #62 (April 1961)
The Man Who Wouldn't Say Die!
Comic: Comic story
Western Gunfighters (Horwitz, 1961 series) #6 (May 1961)
Untitled [One look through the window told the Black Rider...] (Black Rider)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #25 (June 1961)
Undersea Scavenger Hunt (Sea Devils)
Comic: Comic story
Laramie (Jubilee, 1961 series) #4 (June 1961)
The Stage Frame-Up (Laramie)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1961 series) #20 (October 1961)
Death Waits in the Shadows! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1961 series) #20 (October 1961)
Ambush in Lone Valley! (Kid Colt)
Comic: Comic story
Man From Wells Fargo (Regal, 1962 series) #4 (1962)
Thunder over Lost Soldier Gulch (Tales of Wells Fargo)
Comic: Comic story
Gunsmoke (Junior Readers, 1958? series) #24 (October 1962)
Chain Lightning Trouble (Dodge City Days)
Comic: Comic story
Man From Wells Fargo (Regal, 1962 series) #10 (August 1964)
Salt Water Man Hunt (Man from Wells Fargo)
Comic: Comic story



  • 24 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 24 Jul 2019