The Defenders (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #7 (1980) — Enter: The Headmen! (The Defenders)
Comic: Comic story
War in the Army (Yaffa/Page, 1973? series) #7 (July 1980) — The Congressional Medal of Honor
Comic: Comic story
Super-Villain Team-Up (Yaffa/Page, 1978 series) #3 (1980) — Pawns of Attuma! (Namor, the Sub-Mariner; Dr. Doom)
Comic: Comic story
The Panther's Revenge (Gredown/Boraig, 1981?) (1981) — The Haunted Brush!
Comic: Comic story
Master of Kung Fu (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #9 (July 1981) — Cages of Myth, Managerie of Mirrors! (Master of Kung Fu)
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Team-Up (Yaffa/Page, 1979? series) #8 (December 1981) — Moondog Is Another Name for Murder! (Spider-Man; Brother Voodoo)
Comic: Comic story
Portrait of Peril (Gredown/Boraig, 1982?) (1982) — Counsel from the Spirit
Comic: Comic story
Fear Zone (Gredown, 1982?) (May 1982) — The Haunted Cane!
Comic: Comic story
Fear Zone (Gredown, 1982?) (May 1982) — Don't Let the Ghost Take Shape!
Comic: Comic story
Beast of Darkness (Murray, 1982) (September 1982) — Poppa Provides
Comic: Comic story