Joe Rosen United States

25 December 1920 in United States
10 October 2009 in United States
88 years
Credited for


Also known as

Joseph Walter Rosen

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Who's Who of American Comic Books

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Rosen worked as a letterer in the production departments of Fawcett Comics (1940-1943) and DC Comics (1943-~1955).

He was also a freelancer for various companies, but lettered almost exclusively for Harvey throughout the rest of the 1950s. While still working for Harvey, he pencilled DC' Girls' Love Stories and Secret Hearts in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

He lettered for Marvel Comics occasionally in 1968 and 1969, and regularly from 1974. From the 1980s, he worked almost exclusively for Marvel.

Showing items 51 to 60 of 230

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Day Dreams (Barmor, 1955?) (1955)
Comic: Comic story
Day Dreams (Barmor, 1955?) (1955)
Love after Dark
Comic: Comic story
Day Dreams (Barmor, 1955?) (1955)
I Gambled on Love
Comic: Comic story
Day Dreams (Barmor, 1955?) (1955)
My Secret Shame
Comic: Comic story
Charming Love (Barmor, 1955?) (1955)
Popularity Quiz
Comic: Activity
Sweet Romances (Barmor, 1955? series) #1 (September 1955)
Untitled [Untitled]
Comic: Cover
Sweet Romances (Barmor, 1955? series) #1 (September 1955)
Dance Crazy
Comic: Comic story
Sweet Romances (Barmor, 1955? series) #1 (September 1955)
Vengeance on Love
Comic: Comic story
Dan'l Boone Greatest Frontiersman of All (Cleland, 1956? series) #3 (1956)
Peril Shadows the Forest Trail (Dan'l Boone)
Comic: Comic story
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1955 series) #75 (July 1957)
The Vengeance of Growling Bear!
Comic: Comic story



  • 21 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 21 Jul 2019