Sam Rosen United States

4 April 1922 in United States
8 April 1992 in United States
70 years
Credited for


Also known as

Samuel Harold Rosen

S. Rosen (pen name)

Sam Harold (pen name)

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Rosen was a letterer for Marvel Comics who helped design logos for virtually all the publisher's titles during the 1960s. He also worked uncredited for companies, including as letter for The Mighty Crusaders (Archie Comics) in 1965 to 1966.

Showing items 201 to 300 of 399

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Daredevil Special (Newton, 197-? series) #1 (January 1977)
Sightless, In a Savage Land (Daredevil)
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Super Action (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (March 1977)
When Wakes the Sleeper! (Captain America)
Comic: Cover reprint
Falling in Love Romances (KG Murray, 1976 series) #90 (April 1977)
Love is.. 'Young Love' 'Heart to Heart' and 'Romantic Dreams' comics
Comic: Promo
Magic Moment Romances (KG Murray, 1973 series) #115 (June 1977)
Love is.. 'Young Love' 'Heart to Heart' and 'Romantic Dreams' comics
Comic: Promo
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
The Evil Menace of Electro! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
Midnight on Massacre Mountain! (Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
Untitled [The Origin of Daredevil] (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
The Owl, Ominous Overlord of Crime! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Chamber of Chills (Yaffa/Page, 1978 series) #1 (September 1977)
A Dragon Stalks By Night! The Monster From The Mound!
Comic: Cover
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (September 1977)
The Avengers Meet.. "Sub-Mariner!" (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (September 1977)
Untitled [The Coming of the Avengers!] (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977)
The Origin of Dr. Strange (Dr. Strange)
Comic: Comic story
Kull the Conqueror (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (October 1977)
A King Comes Riding (Kull the Conqueror)
Comic: Comic story
Kull the Conqueror (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (October 1977)
The Shadow Kingdom (Kull the Conqueror)
Comic: Comic story
The Mighty Thor (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (October 1977)
The Way It Was! (Thor)
Comic: Comic story
Thor the Mighty (Yaffa, 1977?) (1977)
The King and the Oak (Kull the Conqueror)
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (November 1977)
The Coming of Conan! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (November 1977)
The Coming of Conan! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Cover
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (November 1977)
Lair of the Beast-Men! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (November 1977)
The Twilight of the Grim Grey God! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
The Invincible Iron Man (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (December 1977)
Unconquered Is the Unicorn (The Invincible Iron Man)
Comic: Comic story
The Invincible Iron Man (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (December 1977)
Vengeance! Cries the Crusher (The Invincible Iron Man)
Comic: Comic story
Fantastic Four (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #189 (December 1977)
The Torch That Was! (The Fantastic Four)
Comic: Comic story
Magic Moment Romances (Murray, 1977 series) #117 (December 1977)
Love is.. 'Young Love' 'Heart to Heart' and 'Romantic Dreams' comics
Comic: Promo
The Amazing Spider-Man (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #176 (January 1978)
Marked for Destruction by Doctor Doom! (Spider-Man)
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (January 1978)
The Tower of the Elephant! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (January 1978)
Zukala's Daughter (Conan)
Comic: Comic story
Young Love (Murray, 1977 series) #30 (February 1978)
Love is.. 'Young Love' 'Heart to Heart' and 'Romantic Dreams' comics
Comic: Promo
The X-Men (Yaffa/Page, 1970s series) #3 (March 1978)
Unus, the Untouchable! (X-Men)
Comic: Cover
Creatures on the Loose! (Yaffa, 1978 series) #1 (March 1978)
The Skull of Silence (King Kull)
Comic: Comic story
The X-Men (Yaffa/Page, 1970s series) #3 (March 1978)
The Uncanny Threat of... Unus, the Untouchable! (X-Men)
Comic: Comic story
The X-Men (Yaffa/Page, 1970s series) #3 (March 1978)
Enter, The Avengers! (X-Men)
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #3 (March 1978)
The Garden of Fear! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Cover
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #3 (March 1978)
The Garden of Fear! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
Magic Moment Romances (Murray, 1977 series) #118 (March 1978)
Love is.. 'Young Love' 'Heart to Heart' and 'Romantic Dreams' comics
Comic: Promo
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (April 1978)
The Invasion of the Lava Men! (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (April 1978)
[The Mighty Avengers] Meet "The Masters of Evil!" (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
Monsters Unleashed! (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #1 (April 1978)
World of Warlocks
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #3 (May 1978)
Their Darkest Hour! (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Cover
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #3 (May 1978)
Kang, the Conqueror! (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (May 1978)
Killgrave, the Unbelievable Purple Man (Daredevil the Man Without Fear)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (May 1978)
The Mysterious Matador (Daredevil the Man Without Fear)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (May 1978)
Trapped by... The Fellowship of Fear! (Daredevil the Man Without Fear)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (May 1978)
Here Comes Daredevil... The Man Without Fear! (Daredevil the Man Without Fear)
Comic: Cover reprint
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (May 1978)
The Mysterious Masked Matador (Daredevil the Man Without Fear)
Comic: Cover reprint
Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Yaffa/Page, 1978 series) #1 (1978)
Years of Glory, Day of Doom (Sub-Mariner)
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #3 (1978)
The Court-Martial of Sergeant Fury (Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos)
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #3 (1978)
The Death Ray of Dr. Zemo (Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos)
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #3 (1978)
Mission: Capture Adolf Hitler (Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos)
Comic: Comic story
Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Yaffa/Page, 1978 series) #1 (1978)
On a Clear Day You Can See... The Leviathan (Sub-Mariner)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #3 (September 1978)
That He May See! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #3 (September 1978)
That He May See! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Cover
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #3 (September 1978)
The Stiltman Cometh! (Daredevil)
Comic: Comic story
Young Lovers' Pictorial (Jubilee/South Pacific, 1978?) #38005 (1978)
My Love Wears a Leather Jacket Chapter 1
Comic: Comic story
Young Lovers' Pictorial (Jubilee/South Pacific, 1978?) #38005 (1978)
My Love Wears a Leather Jacket Chapter 2
Comic: Comic story
Captain America (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #4 (October 1978)
No Longer Alone! (Captain America)
Comic: Comic story
Captain America (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #4 (October 1978)
Tomorrow You Live, Tonight I Die! (Captain America)
Comic: Comic story
The Fly (Gredown, 1978?) (1978)
The Strange New World of The Fly (The Fly)
Comic: Comic story
Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #4 (1978)
In the Rage of Battle (Sub-Mariner)
Comic: Comic story
Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Yaffa/Page, 1978? series) #4 (1978)
The Spell of the Serpent! (Sub-Mariner)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #4 (January 1979)
See: The Strangest Foes Daredevil Has Ever Faced! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Cover
Captain America (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #7 (1979)
Now Begins the Nightmare! (Captain America)
Comic: Comic story
Captain America (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #7 (1979)
Far Worse Than Death! (Captain America)
Comic: Comic story
Captain America (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #7 (1979)
The Coming of... the Falcon! (Captain America)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #4 (January 1979)
A Time to Unmask! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #4 (January 1979)
Sightless, in a Savage Land! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #3 (March 1979)
Die, Town, Die! (Captain Marvel [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #3 (March 1979)
Between Hammer and Anvil! (Captain Marvel [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #5 (1979)
Midnight on Massacre Mountain (Sgt. Fury)
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #6 (1979)
Too Small To Fight, Too Young To Die (Sgt. Fury)
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #5 (May 1979)
The Secret of Ka-Zar's Origin! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Cover
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #5 (May 1979)
The Secret of Ka-Zar's Origin! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Vampire Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1978 series) #2 (June 1979)
At the Stroke of Midnight
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #4 (June 1979)
The Talons of… Thak!
Comic: Cover
Marvel Team-Up (Yaffa/Page, 1979? series) #1 (1977)
And Spidey Makes Four! (Human Torch; Spider-Man)
Comic: Comic story
Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1980? series) #2 (September 1979)
I Found Monstrom, the Dweller in the Black Swamp!
Comic: Cover
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #4 (October 1979)
The Avengers Break Up! (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Cover
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #4 (October 1979)
Untitled [The Avengers Break Up!] (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #4 (October 1979)
The Mighty Avengers Meet Spider-Man! (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #4 (October 1979)
This Hostage Earth! (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
The Invincible Iron Man (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #8 (November 1979)
Death Must Follow! (Iron Man)
Comic: Cover
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (1979)
The Birth of Giant-Man (Giant-Man)
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (1979)
How Iron Man Created His Thinner Uniform (Iron Man)
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #2 (1979)
The Origin of Dr. Strange (Dr. Strange)
Comic: Comic story
The Amazing Spider-Man (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #198-199 (November-December 1979)
Spidey Strikes Back! (Spider-Man)
Comic: Comic story
The Outlaw Kid (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (1979)
Untitled (The Outlaw Kid)
Comic: Cover
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #7 (January 1980)
Enter… Spider-Man! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Cover
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #7 (January 1980)
None are So Blind..! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Daredevil The Man Without Fear (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #7 (January 1980)
There Shall Come a Gladiator! (Daredevil [Marvel])
Comic: Comic story
Two-Gun Kid (Yaffa/Page, 1979 series) #4 (1980)
Trapped on the Train of Doom (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Comic story
Two-Gun Kid (Yaffa/Page, 1979 series) #4 (1980)
The Revenge of Jesse James (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Comic story
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen (Yaffa, 1980? series) #1 (1980)
Stop the Luftwaffe… Win the War! (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Cover
The Legend of Conan (Yaffa/Page, 1980?) (1982)
The Garden of Fear! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Cover
The Legend of Conan (Yaffa/Page, 1980?) (1982)
The Garden of Fear! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
The Legend of Conan (Yaffa/Page, 1980?) (1982)
The Lurker Within! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
The Legend of Conan (Yaffa/Page, 1980?) (1982)
The Keepers of the Crypt! (Conan)
Comic: Cover reprint
The Legend of Conan (Yaffa/Page, 1980?) (1982)
The Keepers of the Crypt (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #5 (May 1980)
The Coming of Elric (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Cover reprint
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #5 (May 1980)
The Hell-Hordes of Chaos! (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Cover reprint
Conan the Barbarian (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #5 (May 1980)
The Green Empress of Melnibone (Conan the Barbarian)
Comic: Comic story



  • 20 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 8 May 2024