The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #9 (November 1975) — Fighting to the Death with the Asbestos Man! (Human Torch)
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #10 (November 1975) — The Merciless Puppet Master (Sub-Mariner)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action (KG Murray, 1975 series) #6 (1975) — At Grips with the Enemy!
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Newton, 1975 series) #11 (November 1975) — This Hostage Earth! (The Avengers)
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four Giant Size 84 Page Annual (Newton, 1975 series) #1 (15 November 1975) — The Human Torch [Part 1] (Human Torch [Johnny Storm])
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four Giant Size 84 Page Annual (Newton, 1975 series) #1 (15 November 1975) — The Human Torch Part 2: The Flaming Fury Strikes Back!! (Human Torch [Johnny Storm])
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four Giant Size 84 Page Annual (Newton, 1975 series) #1 (15 November 1975) — The Threat of the Torrid Twosome (Human Torch)
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #12 (December 1975) — The Mole Man (Fantastic Four)
Comic: Cover
Newton Holiday Spectacular (Newton, 1975?) (1975) — The Merciless Puppet Master (The Fantastic Four)
Comic: Comic story
Newton Holiday Spectacular (Newton, 1975?) (1975) — A Skrull Walks Among Us! (The Fantastic Four)
Comic: Comic story
Newton Holiday Spectacular (Newton, 1975?) (1975) — The Coming of the Plantman! (Human Torch)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of Horror Dracula (Newton, 1975 series) #11 (December 1975) — This Blood is Mine! (Dracula)
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Newton, 1975 series) #13 (December 1975) — Four against the Minotaur! (The Avengers)
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #13 (January 1976) — The Fantastic Four Battle... the Mad Thinker and His Awesome Android! (The Fantastic Four)
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #13 (January 1976) — The Mad Thinker and His Awesome Android! (The Fantastic Four)
Comic: Cover
The Fastest Gun Western (KG Murray, 1974 series) #21 (January 1976) — Outlaw!
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #14 (February 1976) — The Return of Doctor Doom! (Fantastic Four)
Comic: Cover
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #15 (March 1976) — In the Clutches of Doctor Doom! (Fantastic Four)
Comic: Cover
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #15 (March 1976) — Defeated by Doctor Doom (Fantastic Four)
Comic: Comic story
The Fantastic Four (Newton, 1975 series) #15 (March 1976) — The Sorcerer and Pandora's Box (Human Torch)
Comic: Comic story
Newton Spectacular (Newton, 1976 series) #1 (August 1976) — The Mysterious Molecule Man (Fantastic Four)
Comic: Comic story
Sub-Mariner (Newton, 1976?) (1976) — To the Death! (Sub-Mariner)
Comic: Comic story
Sub-Mariner (Newton, 1976?) (1976) — When a Monarch Goes Mad! (Sub-Mariner)
Comic: Comic story
Sub-Mariner (Newton, 1976?) (1976) — The Power of Iron Man!
Comic: Comic story
Sub-Mariner (Newton, 1976?) (1976) — The Sub-Mariner Strikes
Comic: Comic story
The X-Men (Yaffa/Page, 1970s series) #1 (1977) — Divided--We Fall! (X-Men)
Comic: Comic story
The X-Men (Yaffa/Page, 1970s series) #1 (1977) — To Save a City (X-Men)
Comic: Comic story
Shudder Tales (Gredown, 1976 series) #6 (April 1977) — I Chopped Her Head Off!
Comic: Comic story
Super Western Album (KG Murray, 1975 series) #6 (July 1977) — How Matt Hawk Becomes the Two-Gun Kid! (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Comic story
Monsters from Hell (Gredown, 1976? series) #2 (1977) — The Beast from Below
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — Untitled [7 Doomed Men!] (Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos)
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — Untitled [Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos] (Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos)
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — Midnight on Massacre Mountain! (Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos)
Comic: Comic story
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — Meet the Howling Commandos (Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos)
Comic: Profile
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — Part 2 Seven Against The Nazis! (Sgt. Fury)
Comic: Comic story
The Avengers (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (September 1977) — Untitled [The Coming of the Avengers!] (The Avengers [superhero])
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — Return of the Ant-Man
Part 2: An Army of Ants
Part 3: The Ant-Man’s Revenge (Ant Man)
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — How Iron Man Created His Thinner Uniform (Iron Man)
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — The Ringmaster (The Incredible Hulk)
Comic: Comic story
Marvel Tales (Yaffa/Page, 1977? series) #1 (1977) — The Human Torch
Part 2: The Faming Fury Strikes Back!! (The Human Torch)
Comic: Comic story
The Mighty Thor (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (October 1977) — The Executioner (The Mighty Thor)
Comic: Comic story
The Mighty Thor (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #1 (October 1977) — Trapped by Loki, the God of Mischief! (Thor the Mighty)
Comic: Comic story
Maze of Monsters (Gredown, 1976? series) #4 (1978) — The Monster from Dimension X
Comic: Comic story
Ghosts and Ghouls (Gredown, 1977? series) #3 (1978) — The Hungry Ghoul
Comic: Comic story
Devil's Doom (Gredown, 1978 series) #1 (1978) — Satan, the Demon
Comic: Comic story
The Demon Phantoms (Gredown, 1978? series) #2 (February 1978) — Isle of Demons
Comic: Comic story
The Demon Phantoms (Gredown, 1978? series) #2 (February 1978) — The Dead Demons
Comic: Comic story
Planet of Vampires (Gredown, 1975 series) v1#6 (February 1978) — Bloodsucker
Comic: Comic story
Love Confessions Illustrated (Jubilee/South Pacific, 1978) #38012 (1978) — Born to Be Unloved
Comic: Comic story
Creatures on the Loose! (Yaffa, 1978 series) #1 (March 1978) — I was Captured by Korilla!
Comic: Cover