Mighty Comic (Murray, 1978 series) #129 (March 1980) — The Project: Perilous (Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (Murray, 1979 series) #15 (March 1980) — The Island of Purple Mist (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Terror Tales Album (Murray, 1978 series) #13 (March 1980) — Specter in the Snow
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (Murray, 1979 series) #15 (March 1980) — The Case of the Crimson Coffin (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Lois Lane Album (Murray, 1978 series) #130 (April 1980) — The Project: Perilous (Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen; Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (Murray, 1979 series) #17 (July 1980) — The Attack of the Wire-Head Killers (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (Murray, 1979 series) #17 (July 1980) — The Only Man Batman Ever Killed (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #40 (July 1980) — When Satan Comes A-Creeping!
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Batcomic (Murray, 1978 series) #18 (August 1980) — The Galileo Solution (Unsolved Cases of the Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Love Song Romances (Murray, 1978 series) #91 (August 1980) — Out of My Mind!
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (Murray, 1979 series) #18 (September 1980) — Batman's Great Identity Switch (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday Album (Murray, 1975 series) #17 (September 1980) — When Stars Met Specters (Hollywood Hauntings)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (Murray, 1979 series) #18 (September 1980) — To Hell With Batman… and Back (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Weird Mysteries (Murray, 1980 series) #44 (September 1980) — The Claws of the Phantom
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman Album (Murray, 1978? series) #8 (October 1980) — The Perfect Crime (Wonder Girl)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (Murray, 1979 series) #19 (November 1980) — Night of Siege (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #42 (November 1980) — Welcome to Your Tomb
Comic: Comic story
Giant Superman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #42 (December 1980) — Phantom of the Opry (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Terror Tales Album (Murray, 1981) (March 1981) — Fear on Ice
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Lois Lane Album (Murray, 1981? series) #131 (May 1981) — Lost (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Lois Lane Album (Murray, 1981? series) #131 (May 1981) — Climb to Calamity! (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #45 (June 1981) — Kill Me Lest You Die!
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #45 (June 1981) — The Haunting Hitchhiker
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #45 (June 1981) — The Hands from the Grave!
Comic: Comic story
The House of Mystery (Murray, 1981) (July 1981) — The Ghost Who Possessed Lisa!
Comic: Comic story