John Calnan United States

Showing items 21 to 30 of 144

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Superman Presents Superboy Comic (Murray, 1976 series) #97 (January 1976)
The Strangler from the Stars (Metamorpho, the Element Man)
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (KG Murray, 1973 series) #25 (February 1976)
The Threshold of Nightmare House
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (KG Murray, 1973 series) #27 (June 1976)
The Hands from the Grave!
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (KG Murray, 1974 series) #22 (December 1976)
Ride with the Devil
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Supergirl Comic (KG Murray, 1973 series) #23 (January 1977)
World Without Men Part 1: Big Sister is Watching You Part 2: The Greatest Hate (Super Sons of Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure Album (KGM, 1976 series) #3 (January 1977)
The UFO That Stole the USA Part 1: Intruders In the Night Part 2: Countdown To Disaster Part 3: The Billion-Mile Wire (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #35 (January 1977)
The Dream Bomb Part 1: To Sleep No More Part 2: What Ghosts Be These Part 3: The Snarl of Da-Chiri (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #35 (January 1977)
Superman’s Stolen Birthday Part 1: Who Is Cyclops? Part 2: The Telltale Stars Part 3: The Tombstone Trap (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Terror Tales Album (KG Murray, 1977 series) #2 (May 1977)
The Dark Goddess of Doom
Comic: Comic story
Weird Mystery Tales (KG Murray, 1973? series) #27 (February 1977)
Dark Vengeance!
Comic: Comic story



  • 19 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 19 Jul 2019