Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #44 (February 1968) — Bullet-Hole Club (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #44 (February 1968) — The Richest Crook in the World (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #15 (March 1968) — The Crimes of Batman (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #16 (November 1968) — Ride, Bat-Hombre, Ride (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #16 (November 1968) — Mayor Bruce Wayne (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #16 (November 1968) — The Flying Batman (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Flash Album (Colour Comics, 1966 series) #6 (January 1969) — The Man Called "50-50" (Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #17 (March 1969) — The Birth of the Batplane II (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #17 (March 1969) — The Flying Bat-Cave (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #18 (May 1969) — Vicki Vale's Secret (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #18 (May 1969) — The Man Called 50-50 (Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #49 (May 1969) — The Jungle Batman (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #51 (November 1969) — The Private Life of Commissioner Gordon (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #19 (November 1969) — The Death of Batman! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #19 (November 1969) — The Masterminds of Crime (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #19 (November 1969) — The Flying Bat-Cave (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #19 (November 1969) — The Joker's Millions (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #52 (February 1970) — Public Enemy Bruce Wayne (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #53 (May 1970) — The Joker's Utility Belt (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #20 (May 1970) — The Game of Death (Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #20 (May 1970) — Murder on the Chessboard (Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Supacomic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #131 (July 1970) — Danger In the Hall of Trophies (Robin, the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #54 (August 1970) — The Carbon Copy Batman (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #21 (October 1970) — The League against Batman (Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #22 (1971) — Batman of the Mounties (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #23 (1971) — Outlaw Town, U.S.A. (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #23 (1971) — The Duplicate Batman (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Tip Top Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1965 series) #80 (December 1971) — The Australian Code Mystery
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #24 (May 1972) — The Death-Cheaters of Gotham City (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #24 (May 1972) — The Murder of Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #25 (November 1972) — Mr. Roulette's Greatest Gamble (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #26 (May 1973) — The Masterminds of Crime (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #31 (November 1975) — Dick Grayson Detective (Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Batman Album (Colour Comics, 1962 series) #31 (November 1975) — Bullet-Hole Club (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday Album (Murray, 1975 series) #4 (December 1976) — Death Played a Sideshow
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (KG Murray, 1976 series) #3 (January 1977) — The Only Crime in Town! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (KG Murray, 1976 series) #4 (March 1977) — Murder Comes in Black Boxes! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (KG Murray, 1976 series) #5 (April 1977) — Four Doorways to Danger! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #36 (April 1977) — Invitation to a Murder (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #36 (April 1977) — The Gorilla Boss of Gotham City (Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (KG Murray, 1976 series) #6 (June 1977) — Omega Bomb Target: Gotham City (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (KG Murray, 1976 series) #7 (July 1977) — If There Were No Batman... I Would Have to Invent Him (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #37 (August 1977) — The Menace of the Fiery Heads! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #28 (August 1977) — Raise the Devil
Comic: Comic story
Weird Mystery Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #30 (August 1977) — The Collector
Comic: Comic story
Terror Tales Album (KG Murray, 1977 series) #5 (November 1977) — A Talent for Murder!
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #38 (December 1977) — The Daily Death of Terry Tremayne (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #38 (December 1977) — Crackdown on the Crime Exchange (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #38 (December 1977) — The Deadly Web of the Crime Exchange! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman Album (KG Murray, 1976 series) #38 (December 1977) — The Set-Up Caper (Batman)
Comic: Comic story