Milt Snapinn United States


Snapinn was a Letterer for DC Comics.

Showing items 21 to 30 of 505

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #18 (November 1957)
Untitled (Mirror Magic)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #18 (November 1957)
Double-Danger Gold (Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Law-Man)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #15 (December 1957)
The Naming of the Wyoming Kid (The Wyoming Kid)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #16 (January 1958)
The Riddle of Needle Point (The Wyoming Kid)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (March 1958)
The Amazing Contest at Stovepipe Creek (The Nighthawk)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #25 (June 1958)
Batman--The Superman of Planet X! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #23 (August 1958)
The Mask of Peril (The Nighthawk)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #115 (September 1958)
Science says you're wrong if you believe that-- (Science Says You're Wrong if You Believe That --)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #29 (October 1958)
The Mystery of the Bearded Prospector (The Wyoming Kid)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #10 (November 1958)
The Amazing Quest for Nighthawk's Identity (The Nighthawk)
Comic: Comic story



  • 18 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 18 Jul 2019