Milt Snapinn United States


Snapinn was a Letterer for DC Comics.

Showing items 401 to 425 of 505

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
World's Finest Comics (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
One Red Rose for Never (Green Arrow)
Comic: Comic story
World's Finest Comics (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
There Goes the Neighborhood (Captain Mravel/Shazam!)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
Spirit of Silver… Soul of Gold (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Swordsmen and Sorcerers (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
The Cloud of Hate! (Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
The Empress of the Silver Snake! (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Carnival of Fear (Murray, 1982?) (March 1982)
The Wendigo
Comic: Comic story
Carnival of Fear (Murray, 1982?) (March 1982)
Weird Wanda
Comic: Comic story
Crime Fighters (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
When the Inmates Run the Madhouse (Tales of Gotham City (Comm. Gordon))
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
Too Good to Be True! (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
Search for a Secret-Seeker (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
The Private Life of Clark Kent (Murray, 1982) (April 1982)
Clark Gives Blood.. Superman Saves Lives… (The Private Life of Clark Kent)
Comic: Comic story
Orphan from Krypton (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
The Super-Secret of Smallville (Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Action Album (Murray, 1982?) #20 (1982)
A Close Shave for Air Wave! (Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
The Sign of the Joker (Murray, 1982) (June 1982)
Sign of the Joker (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (Murray, 1982) (June 1982)
Mystery of the Missing Mail (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (Murray, 1982) (June 1982)
Arrest Me--I'm a Murderer (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Matt Savage Trail Boss (Murray, 1982) (June 1982)
The Riddle of the Gold Watch (The Wyoming Kid)
Comic: Comic story
Krypton Chronicles (Murray, 1982) (July 1982)
The Super Watchdog of Smallville (Krypto, the Superdog)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroines (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
Attack of the Annihilator (Batgirl)
Comic: Comic story
The Huntress (Murray, 1982) (July 1982)
Into Darkness Once More (The Huntress)
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
The Goddess from Hell! (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
Supergirl Villains Quiz (Supergirl)
Comic: Activity
Four Star Spectacular (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
The Twelve Coins of Power (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Four Star Spectacular (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
Die, Android--Die (Red Tornado)
Comic: Comic story
Four Star Spectacular (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
Winds of Change (Red Tornado)
Comic: Comic story



  • 18 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 18 Jul 2019