Gerry Conway United States

10 September 1952 in United States
72 years
Credited for



Also known as

Gerard Francis Conway

Francis X. Bushmaster (pen name)

Wallace Moore (pen name)

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Who's Who of American Comic Books

Wikipedia (English)

Showing items 51 to 60 of 435

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Superman (KG Murray, 1976 series) #3 (February 1977)
The Parasite's Prism of Peril (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Weird Mystery Tales (KG Murray, 1973? series) #27 (February 1977)
The Shearing of a Soul
Comic: Comic story
Dracula (Newton, 1976?) #nn [15] (March 1977)
A Night in the Unlife! (Dracula)
Comic: Comic story
Dracula (Newton, 1976?) #nn [15] (March 1977)
Twice Dies the Vampire! (Dracula)
Comic: Comic story
The Flash Album (Murray, 1977? series) #14 (April 1977)
The End of the World! (The Flash; Hawkman)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Batcomic (KG Murray, 1976 series) #4 (April 1977)
Showdown In San Lorenzo (The Creeper and Wildcat)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Superman Album (KG Murray, 1973 series) #29 (May 1977)
Superman, You're Not Clark Kent--And I Can Prove It (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Savage Tales (KG Murray, 1975 series) #15 (June 1977)
The Billion Year War (Ka-Zar Lord of the Lost Jungle)
Comic: Comic story
Savage Tales (KG Murray, 1975 series) #15 (June 1977)
The War that Time Forgot (Ka-Zar)
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure Album (KGM, 1976 series) #5 (July 1977)
The Men Who Sold Destruction (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story



  • 18 Jul 2019

Last updated

  • 18 Jul 2019