Stanley Pitt Australia

2 March 1925 in Australia
2 April 2002 in Australia
77 years
Credited for





Also known as

Stanley John Joseph Pitt

Safone Jais (pen name)


It's Not in the Cards, My Friend [Colgate, Stanley Pitt] (1846-1946)

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Pitt's first published comic was Anthony Fury (~1942), followed by the science fiction serial 'Universal Conquest' in Star Pocket Comics and Frank Johnson one-shots. In 1946, Pitt's comic strip advertisements for Colgate-Palmolive were published in many newspapers and magazines.

With author Frank Ashley, Pitt developed a concept for a full-colour comic, 'Nelson Power Conquers the Universe' in 1945. A minor character lager became 'Silver Starr', published as a full-colour strip in the Sunday Sun and Guardian from 24 November 1946. Following disagreement with Associated Newspapers about reduced space for the strip, Pitt resigned in 1948 and converted his creation into Silver Starr Super Comic (Young's).

With author Gerry Brown, Pitt created 'Captain Power', which first appeared in the Sunday Herald on 6 March 1949 and was reprinted in the one-shot Captain Power (Ayers and James). In 1950, Pitt created Yarmak—Jungle King Comic (Young's) with artistic assistance from his brother Reginald Pitt and scripts by Frank Ashley. In 1956, Pitt created a further full-colour issue of Silver Starr (Cleveland).

During the 1950s, Pitt largely abandoned comics to paint cover illustrations for publishers such as Malian, Horwitz and H. John Edwards. From 1956, he became the main cover artist for Cleveland for the rest of his career, creating more than 3,000 illustrations.

In 1964, with his brother Reginald, Pitt began adapting Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination for the US market. While Pitt abandoned this project ('Gully Foyle') in 1968 due to problems with the rights, it drew US interest. Stanley and Reginald Pitt secured work from US publishers—DC's The Witching Hour #14 and #38, Western's Twilight Zone #48 and Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery #33. Pitt also ghosted for Al Williamson on the Secret Agent Corrigan newspaper strip in 1969 and 1972.

After suffering a stroke, Pitt retired 1985/86.

Showing items 1 to 25 of 342

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Anthony Fury (Consolidated Press, 1942?) (1942)
Untitled (Anthony Fury)
Comic: Cover
Anthony Fury (Consolidated Press, 1942?) (1942)
Untitled (Anthony Fury)
Comic: Comic story
Star Pocket Comics (Frank Johnson, 1942? series) #1 (1942)
Untitled (Larry Flynn)
Comic: Comic story
Star Pocket Comics (Frank Johnson, 1942? series) #4 (May 1943)
Untitled (Universal Conquest)
Comic: Comic story
Star Pocket Comics (Frank Johnson, 1942? series) #nn [9] (November 1944)
Untitled (Larry Flynn Private Tec')
Comic: Comic story
The New Big Hit Comics (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
The Adventures of Jim Atlas
Comic: Comic story
The New Hero Comics (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Untitled (Dr. Vulcan)
Comic: Comic story
The New Conquer Comics (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Untitled (Dr Vulcan)
Comic: Comic story
The New Cracker (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Untitled (The Adventures of Jim Atlas)
Comic: Comic story
The New Corker (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Universal Conquest
Comic: Comic story
The New Terrific Comics (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Untitled (Larry Flynn Private Detective)
Comic: Comic story
Star Pocket Comics (Frank Johnson, 1942? series) #13 (1945)
Untitled (The Spectre)
Comic: Comic story
New Mighty Comics (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Untitled (Dr Vulcan)
Comic: Comic story
New Master Comics (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Untitled (Adrian Ellis)
Comic: Comic story
The New Thunder Comics (Frank Johnson, 1945?) (1945)
Untitled (Adrian Ellis)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Atom (Atlas, 1948 series) #14 (April 1949)
Dr. Peril of 1990
Comic: Comic story
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #1 (May 1949)
The Flame World (Silver Starr)
Comic: Cover
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #1 (May 1949)
The Flame World (Silver Starr)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Atom (Atlas, 1948 series) #15 (May 1949)
The Adventures of Jim Atlas
Comic: Comic story
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #2 (June 1949)
Tarka the Tyrant (Silver Starr)
Comic: Cover
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #2 (June 1949)
Tarka the Tyrant (Silver Starr)
Comic: Comic story
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #3 (July 1949)
Operation Patagonia (Silver Starr)
Comic: Cover
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #3 (July 1949)
Untitled (Silver Starr)
Comic: Comic story
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #4 (August 1949)
Anti-Heat Rays (Silver Starr)
Comic: Cover
Silver Starr Super Comic (Youngs, 1949? series) #4 (August 1949)
Untitled [Anti-Heat Rays] (Silver Starr)
Comic: Comic story



  • 6 Jan 2018

Last updated

  • 26 Jul 2021