Robert Kanigher United States

18 June 1915 in United States
7 May 2002 in United States
86 years
Credited for




Also known as

Bart Regan (pen name)

Bob Kanigher (pen name)

Dion Anthony (pen name)

Jan Laurie (pen name)

Jed Corby (pen name)

Robert Starr (pen name)

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Showing items 901 to 1000 of 1018

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Terror Tales Album (Murray, 1978 series) #13 (March 1980)
Devil's Doctor (Jungle Justice)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes Album (Murray, 1977 series) #15 (April 1980)
The Explosive Heart of America (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes Album (Murray, 1977 series) #15 (April 1980)
Television Told the Tale (Black Canary)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes Album (Murray, 1977 series) #15 (April 1980)
The Gods of the Amazons (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Murray, 1980 series) #119 (May 1980)
Beware the Super-Genius Baby! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #39 (May 1980)
Death Has Five Guesses! (Johnny Peril)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #39 (May 1980)
God of Vengeance
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl Album (Murray, 1979 series) #36 (June 1980)
Not All Thorns Come from Roses (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Aquaman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #5 (1980)
The Golden Monster! (The Sea Devils)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980)
Island War!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980)
Dry-Land Battleship
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980)
The Silent Jet
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980)
Enemy Ace (Enemy Ace)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #74 (July 1980)
The Devil Rides for Vengeance! (El Diablo)
Comic: Comic story
Love Song Romances (Murray, 1978 series) #91 (August 1980)
Enjoy Being Young
Comic: Comic story
Love Song Romances (Murray, 1978 series) #91 (August 1980)
I Couldn't Escape Him!
Comic: Comic story
Love Song Romances (Murray, 1978 series) #91 (August 1980)
Full Hands Empty Heart
Comic: Comic story
Adventure Comics (Murray, 1980 series) #2 (September 1980)
Finale for a Fiddler (The Golden Age Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman Album (Murray, 1978? series) #8 (October 1980)
Wonder Tot and Mister Genie (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman Album (Murray, 1978? series) #8 (October 1980)
Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879) (Wonder Women of History)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980)
Christmas (Hawk, Son of Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980)
The Gypsy Curse (El Diablo)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980)
The Real Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980)
Code of the Trigger Twins (The Trigger Twins)
Comic: Comic story
Trail Blazers of the West (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981)
Target--Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Trail Blazers of the West (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981)
Sheriff for Hire! (Trigger Twins)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981)
Scarecrow Commando!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981)
The Wounded Won't Wait! (Haunted Tank)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981)
Untitled (Enemy Ace)
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981)
Love Me, Don't Use Me!
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981)
Storm Warnings
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981)
His Other Wife!
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981)
Shared Woman
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981)
The Devil's Secret (El Diablo)
Comic: Comic story
The Adventures of Supergirl (Murray, 1981?) #37 (March 1981)
The Ghost with Two Faces (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Lois Lane Album (Murray, 1981? series) #131 (May 1981)
Hall of 1000 Mirrors (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane; Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Supergirl (Murray, 1981 series) #38 (May 1981)
Hand of Death (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1981) (May 1981)
Decoy at Canyon Pass! (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1981) (May 1981)
Death Deals the Cards! (Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Super Heroes (Murray, 1981) (July 1981)
Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch (1867-1951) (Wonder Women of History)
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981)
Balloon Ace!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981)
24 Hour Pass! (Sgt. Rock)
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981)
The New Hand!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981)
Lost Patrol!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981)
Pigeon Boss!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981)
Get the Carriers
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981)
Nameless Target (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman (Murray, 1981) (October 1981)
The Riddle of the Chinese Mummy Case (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Unexpected (Murray, 1981) (November 1981)
When the Sea Gives Up its Dead
Comic: Comic story
Super-Star Holiday Special (Murray, 1981?) (December 1981)
The Longest Night (Sgt. Rock)
Comic: Comic story
Kara From Krypton (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
The Unwanted Supergirl (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
Swordsmen and Sorcerers (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
Jungle Vengeance (Rima, the Jungle Girl)
Comic: Comic story
Swordsmen and Sorcerers (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
No title recorded (Metal Facts and Fancies)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
The Mystery of Nubia! (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
The Four Dooms! Part 1: Revolt of Transformation Island (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
The Titanic Trials (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
White Devil... Yellow Devil (Bob Kanigher's Gallery of War)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
Heads or Tails (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
Bull's-Eye Bridge
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
Six-Gun Beach-Head
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
Pooch: The Winner (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982)
A Tank for Sarge (Gunner and Sarge)
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
The Silent War!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
The Walking Flier
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
3 Bullets
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
Untitled [I Knew the Unknown Soldier] (Unknown Soldier [DC])
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
The Big Haystack!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
Number One
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
Lifenet to Beach Red!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
The Soldier and the Tiger!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982)
Eyes for a Fort!
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
The Origin of Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
Challenge of the Outlaw Horse (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
The Prize of Peril (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
Guns of Destiny (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
The Gauntlet of Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982)
Johnny Thunder's Talking Shadow (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982)
Booby Trap Ridge!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982)
Half a Man (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982)
The Ballad of Battling Belle!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982)
For Rent – One Foxhole!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982)
The Flattened Point
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982)
A Flag For Joey
Comic: Comic story
Blackhawk (Murray, 1982) (August 1982)
The Vision! (Sgt. Rock)
Comic: Comic story
War Stories (Murray, 1982?) (September 1982)
Bobsled Bombadier
Comic: Comic story
War Stories (Murray, 1982?) (September 1982)
Battle Parade
Comic: Comic story
War Stories (Murray, 1982?) (September 1982)
Dogtag Hill
Comic: Comic story
Rose and the Thorn (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
A Grave as Wide as the World (Batman; Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Rose and the Thorn (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
Dead Men Tell Tales (Batman; Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Rose and the Thorn (Murray, 1982) (October 1982)
Edge of Madness (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Lois Lane (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (October 1982)
Death Waits to Kiss the Bride (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
Unknown Soldier (Murray, 1982) (November 1982)
Take My Coward's Hand (The Unknown Soldier)
Comic: Comic story
Savage Tales (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (November 1982)
God of Vengeance (Captain Fear)
Comic: Comic story
Savage Tales (Murray, 1982 series) #2 (1983)
The Figurehead of the Burning Sea! (The Viking Prince)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983)
The Hunters - and the Hunted (Enemy Ace)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983)
Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster (Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983)
Part II: Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster (Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983)
The Ace Who Died Twice (Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster)
Comic: Comic story



  • 21 Apr 2018

Last updated

  • 24 Aug 2019