Terror Tales Album (Murray, 1978 series) #13 (March 1980) — Devil's Doctor (Jungle Justice)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes Album (Murray, 1977 series) #15 (April 1980) — The Explosive Heart of America (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes Album (Murray, 1977 series) #15 (April 1980) — Television Told the Tale (Black Canary)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes Album (Murray, 1977 series) #15 (April 1980) — The Gods of the Amazons (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Murray, 1980 series) #119 (May 1980) — Beware the Super-Genius Baby! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #39 (May 1980) — Death Has Five Guesses! (Johnny Peril)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (Murray, 1977 series) #39 (May 1980) — God of Vengeance
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl Album (Murray, 1979 series) #36 (June 1980) — Not All Thorns Come from Roses (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Aquaman Album (Murray, 1978 series) #5 (1980) — The Golden Monster! (The Sea Devils)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980) — Island War!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980) — Dry-Land Battleship
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980) — The Silent Jet
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1977 series) #17 (July 1980) — Enemy Ace (Enemy Ace)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #74 (July 1980) — The Devil Rides for Vengeance! (El Diablo)
Comic: Comic story
Love Song Romances (Murray, 1978 series) #91 (August 1980) — Enjoy Being Young
Comic: Comic story
Love Song Romances (Murray, 1978 series) #91 (August 1980) — I Couldn't Escape Him!
Comic: Comic story
Love Song Romances (Murray, 1978 series) #91 (August 1980) — Full Hands Empty Heart
Comic: Comic story
Adventure Comics (Murray, 1980 series) #2 (September 1980) — Finale for a Fiddler (The Golden Age Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman Album (Murray, 1978? series) #8 (October 1980) — Wonder Tot and Mister Genie (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman Album (Murray, 1978? series) #8 (October 1980) — Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879) (Wonder Women of History)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980) — Christmas (Hawk, Son of Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980) — The Gypsy Curse (El Diablo)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980) — The Real Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1978 series) #75 (December 1980) — Code of the Trigger Twins (The Trigger Twins)
Comic: Comic story
Trail Blazers of the West (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981) — Target--Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Trail Blazers of the West (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981) — Sheriff for Hire! (Trigger Twins)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981) — Scarecrow Commando!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981) — The Wounded Won't Wait! (Haunted Tank)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981) — Counterattack!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Action Album (Murray, 1981) (February 1981) — Untitled (Enemy Ace)
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981) — Love Me, Don't Use Me!
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981) — Storm Warnings
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981) — His Other Wife!
Comic: Comic story
The Tears and the Joys of… Secret Hearts (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981) — Shared Woman
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1981?) (February 1981) — The Devil's Secret (El Diablo)
Comic: Comic story
The Adventures of Supergirl (Murray, 1981?) #37 (March 1981) — The Ghost with Two Faces (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Lois Lane Album (Murray, 1981? series) #131 (May 1981) — Hall of 1000 Mirrors (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane; Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Supergirl (Murray, 1981 series) #38 (May 1981) — Hand of Death (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1981) (May 1981) — Decoy at Canyon Pass! (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Album (Murray, 1981) (May 1981) — Death Deals the Cards! (Outlaw)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Super Heroes (Murray, 1981) (July 1981) — Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch (1867-1951) (Wonder Women of History)
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981) — Balloon Ace!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981) — 24 Hour Pass! (Sgt. Rock)
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981) — The New Hand!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981) — Lost Patrol!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981) — Pigeon Boss!
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981) — Get the Carriers
Comic: Comic story
Air Force Heroes (Murray, 1981) (August 1981) — Nameless Target (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman (Murray, 1981) (October 1981) — The Riddle of the Chinese Mummy Case (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Unexpected (Murray, 1981) (November 1981) — When the Sea Gives Up its Dead
Comic: Comic story
Super-Star Holiday Special (Murray, 1981?) (December 1981) — The Longest Night (Sgt. Rock)
Comic: Comic story
Kara From Krypton (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — The Unwanted Supergirl (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
Swordsmen and Sorcerers (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — Jungle Vengeance (Rima, the Jungle Girl)
Comic: Comic story
Swordsmen and Sorcerers (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — No title recorded (Metal Facts and Fancies)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — The Mystery of Nubia! (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — The Four Dooms!
Part 1: Revolt of Transformation Island (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Tales of the Amazons (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — The Titanic Trials (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — White Devil... Yellow Devil (Bob Kanigher's Gallery of War)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — Heads or Tails (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — Bull's-Eye Bridge
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — Six-Gun Beach-Head
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — Pooch: The Winner (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Army at War (Murray, 1982) (March 1982) — A Tank for Sarge (Gunner and Sarge)
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — The Silent War!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — The Walking Flier
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — 3 Bullets
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — Untitled [I Knew the Unknown Soldier] (Unknown Soldier [DC])
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — The Big Haystack!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — Number One
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — Lifenet to Beach Red!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — The Soldier and the Tiger!
Comic: Comic story
Men in Combat (Murray, 1982) (May 1982) — Eyes for a Fort!
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — The Origin of Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — Challenge of the Outlaw Horse (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — The Prize of Peril (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — Guns of Destiny (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — The Gauntlet of Thunder (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Two Guns for Johnny Thunder (Murray, 1982?) (1982) — Johnny Thunder's Talking Shadow (Johnny Thunder)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982) — Booby Trap Ridge!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982) — Half a Man (The Losers)
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982) — The Ballad of Battling Belle!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982) — For Rent – One Foxhole!
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982) — The Flattened Point
Comic: Comic story
Battle Zone (Murray, 1982) (1982) — A Flag For Joey
Comic: Comic story
Blackhawk (Murray, 1982) (August 1982) — The Vision! (Sgt. Rock)
Comic: Comic story
War Stories (Murray, 1982?) (September 1982) — Bobsled Bombadier
Comic: Comic story
War Stories (Murray, 1982?) (September 1982) — Battle Parade
Comic: Comic story
War Stories (Murray, 1982?) (September 1982) — Dogtag Hill
Comic: Comic story
Rose and the Thorn (Murray, 1982) (October 1982) — A Grave as Wide as the World (Batman; Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Rose and the Thorn (Murray, 1982) (October 1982) — Dead Men Tell Tales (Batman; Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Rose and the Thorn (Murray, 1982) (October 1982) — Edge of Madness (Rose and the Thorn)
Comic: Comic story
Lois Lane (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (October 1982) — Death Waits to Kiss the Bride (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
Unknown Soldier (Murray, 1982) (November 1982) — Take My Coward's Hand (The Unknown Soldier)
Comic: Comic story
Savage Tales (Murray, 1982 series) #1 (November 1982) — God of Vengeance (Captain Fear)
Comic: Comic story
Savage Tales (Murray, 1982 series) #2 (1983) — The Figurehead of the Burning Sea! (The Viking Prince)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983) — The Hunters - and the Hunted (Enemy Ace)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983) — Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster (Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983) — Part II: Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster (Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster)
Comic: Comic story
Enemy Ace (Federal, 1983) (March 1983) — The Ace Who Died Twice (Lt. Steve Savage -- The Balloon Buster)
Comic: Comic story