Superman's Supacomic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #1 (September 1958) — The Super-Gorilla From Krypton (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Supacomic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #1 (September 1958) — Lois Lane, Super-Chef (Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Supacomic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #1 (September 1958) — Make Yourself a Mask (Superboy's Workshop)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Supacomic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #1 (September 1958) — The Man Who Was Clark Kent's Double (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Supacomic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #1 (September 1958) — The World's "Heavy Weight" Champ (Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Superman's Supacomic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #1 (September 1958) — Untitled (Chief Hot Foot)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #9 (September 1958) — The Girl Tribe (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #115 (September 1958) — The Rebel Super-Dog! (Superboy the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #99 (September 1958) — The Super-Key to Fort Superman (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Heart of the Solar System!
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #100 (September 1958) — Batman’s Invincible Foe (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #115 (September 1958) — Clark Kent, Cub Reporter (Superboy the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #115 (September 1958) — Science says you're wrong if you believe that-- (Science Says You're Wrong if You Believe That --)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #7 (September 1958) — Untitled [Challenge of the Flying Horse!] (The Viking Prince)
Comic: Cover
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Heart of Space!
Comic: Cover
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #99 (September 1958) — The Super-Key to Fort Superman! (Superman)
Comic: Cover
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #115 (September 1958) — The Rebel Super-Dog! (Superboy)
Comic: Cover
Heart to Heart Romance Library (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Untitled (Oddities)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Secret of the Black Abyss!
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Dangerous Coat of Dan Brewster! (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Space-Rescue by Proxy! (Darwin Jones)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Magnetic Prison
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Invaders of the Dark
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Congo Bill, Stone Age Man (Congo Bill with Janu the Jungle Boy)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Movie Men from Mars!
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Mirage beneath the Sea
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Secret Life of Badge #22
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Anti-Gravity Menace
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Flying Prison (Mr. District Attorney)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Menace of the Falling Moon!
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — The Frozen City
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #5 (September 1958) — Untitled (Warden Willis)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #9 (September 1958) — The Raider on Wheels
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #9 (September 1958) — Untitled (Professor Eureka)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #9 (September 1958) — The Tree That Shook the Earth! (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #9 (September 1958) — Ambush of the Overland Stage (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #99 (September 1958) — The Two Worlds of Superboy (Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #99 (September 1958) — The Bride of Futureman (Tricksy)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure Comic (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #99 (September 1958) — Fingerprint Curios! (Fingerprint Curios!)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #134 (September 1958) — The Forbidden Wish
Comic: Comic story
Superboy (Colour Comics, 1950 series) #116 (October 1958) — The Two Boys of Steel (Superboy, the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #6 (October 1958) — I Fought the Champion from Outer Space!
Comic: Comic story
Blackhawk Comic (Youngs, 1949 series) #117 (October 1958) — The Vengeful Bowman (Blackhawk)
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #6 (October 1958) — The Confessions of Superman (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #29 (October 1958) — The Legion of Super-Heroes (Superboy, the Adventures of Superman when he was a Boy)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #29 (October 1958) — I was a Stand-In for a Feudal Baron
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #29 (October 1958) — At Sea in the Stone Age (Aquaman)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #29 (October 1958) — The Mystery of the Bearded Prospector (The Wyoming Kid)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #29 (October 1958) — The Mysterious Mirror-Man (Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #29 (October 1958) — The Forgotten Man of the Jungle (Congo Bill)
Comic: Comic story