Superman Presents Wonder Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1965 series) #74 (June 1971) — The Spirits in the Smoke
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Tip Top Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1965 series) #75 (July 1971) — The Creature in Echo Lake
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #52 (August 1972) — The Brave who Beat the Sioux (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Presents Wonder Comic Monthly (KG Murray, 1973 series) #114 (October 1974) — The Deadly Duplicate
Comic: Comic story
All Star Adventure Comic (KG Murray, 1973 series) #90 (December 1974) — Track of the Wizard's Beast (Chapter 1) (Rip Hunter... Time Master)
Comic: Comic story
All Star Adventure Comic (KG Murray, 1973 series) #90 (December 1974) — The Wizard's Secret Weapons (Chapter 2) (Rip Hunter... Time Master)
Comic: Comic story
All Star Adventure Comic (KG Murray, 1973 series) #90 (December 1974) — The Beast's Revenge (Chapter 3) (Rip Hunter... Time Master)
Comic: Comic story
Doomsday (KG Murray, 1973 series) #25 (February 1976) — The Wizard's Gift
Comic: Comic story
Batman and Robin (KG Murray, 1976 series) #1 (October 1976) — The Case of the Gigantic Gamble (A Casebook Mystery)
Comic: Comic story
Haunted Tales (KG Murray, 1974 series) #22 (December 1976) — The Phantom Duel
Comic: Comic story