Captain Marvel Adventures (Cleland, 1949 series) #43 (February 1950) — The Magic Mix-Up (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Adventures (Cleland, 1949 series) #43 (February 1950) — The Adventure Within An Adventure (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Comic story
Fantasy Fiction (Whitman Press, 1949 series) (1950) — Where Eternity Ends
Pulp novel: Text story
Captain Marvel Adventures (Cleland, 1949 series) #44 (March 1950) — The Rediscovery of Earth (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Jr. (Cleland, 1948 series) #35 (March 1950) — The Incognito Adventure (Captain Marvel Jr.)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Adventures (Cleland, 1949 series) #44 (March 1950) — The Invention Miser (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Comic story
Fantasy Fiction (Whitman Press, 1949 series) (1950) — Adam Link in the Past
Pulp novel: Text story
Captain Marvel Jr. (Cleland, 1948 series) #36 (April 1950) — The Unknown Invasion (Captain Marvel Jr.)
Comic: Comic story
The Marvel Family (Cleland, 1949 series) #24 (May 1950) — The Discontents (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Comic story
Captain Marvel Adventures (Cleland, 1949 series) #47 (June 1950) — Captain Marvel Fights the Menace of the Moon (Captain Marvel)
Comic: Comic story