John Broome United States

Showing items 151 to 225 of 703

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #11 (May 1959)
Ambush at Sombrero Mesa (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #33 (June 1959)
Dummy That Saved the Earth!
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #37 (June 1959)
Masquerade on Hideaway Island (Rex the Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #14 (July 1959)
The Golden Trail to Danger (Hopalong Cassidy starring William Boyd)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #14 (July 1959)
Menace of the Super-Gorilla (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #14 (July 1959)
Canine Courier (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #12 (July 1959)
The Amazing Trial of John (Gorilla) Doe
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #12 (July 1959)
Double-Cross at Double Creek (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #39 (August 1959)
Where There's Smoke--There's Bobo! (Detective Chimp)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #36 (September 1959)
The Pied Piper of Peril (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #15 (September 1959)
Trail of the Renegade Cavalryman (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites, The 100-Page Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #15 (September 1959)
Return of the Super-Gorilla (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #36 (September 1959)
The Girl from the Diamond Planet (Captain Comet)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #13 (September 1959)
The Gun-Runner of Elk River (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #17 (September 1959)
The Brain Masters of Polaris
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #40 (September 1959)
The Planet of Giant Dogs! (Rex the Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #40 (September 1959)
Clue of the Outlaw's Boot! (Hopalong Cassidy)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #40 (September 1959)
The Case of the Monkey Witness! (Detective Chimp)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #14 (November 1959)
The Super-Gorilla's Secret Identity (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty The 100-Page Comic! (Colour Comics, 1957 series) #14 (November 1959)
Warning to Fort Desolation (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #39 (December 1959)
The Speed of Doom! (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #43 (December 1959)
Mystery of the Magnetic Monsters (The Adventures of Rex The Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #43 (December 1959)
Animal Doctor of Twin Rivers (Hopalong Cassidy)
Comic: Comic story
Century the 100 Page Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1956 series) #43 (December 1959)
The Chimp-Champ of Baseball (Detective Chimp)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #20 (December 1959)
The Strange Case of the Earth-Spy!
Comic: Comic story
Colossal Comic (Colour Comics, 1958 series) #12 (January 1960)
Devil's Island in Space (Captain Comet)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #15 (January 1960)
The Trial of Chief War Cloud (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #44 (January 1960)
Danger in the Wilderness! (The Adventures of Rex The Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #44 (January 1960)
The Last Horse on Earth!
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #21 (January 1960)
The Human Pet of Gorilla Land!
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #41 (January 1960)
Return of the Mirror Master (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #22 (February 1960)
Mystery of the Space-Robots
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #45 (February 1960)
The Four-Footed Lighthouse Keeper! (Rex the Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #45 (February 1960)
Prisoner of the Electric Eye!
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #42 (February 1960)
Super-Cook of Space
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #42 (February 1960)
100 Years from Today
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #17 (March 1960)
Menace of the Runaway Missile (Green Lantern)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #17 (March 1960)
Threat of the Aztec Athletes (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #16 (March 1960)
Summons from Space (Green Lantern)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #16 (March 1960)
Secret of the Sunken Satellite (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #44 (April 1960)
The Invasion of the Cloud Creatures (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #24 (April 1960)
Destination Doom! (Captain Comet)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #47 (April 1960)
The Dog Who Lost His Memory! (Rex the Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #24 (April 1960)
Tomorrow's Hero!
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #17 (May 1960)
Behind the Locked Door (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #17 (May 1960)
Wings Over the Frontier (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #45 (May 1960)
The Amazing Race Against Time! (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #25 (May 1960)
The Man Who Stole Steve Wilson's Face (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #25 (May 1960)
The Secret of the Alligator Suitcase (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #25 (May 1960)
The Riddle of the Glass Skyscraper (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #18 (May 1960)
SOS Green Lantern (Green Lantern)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #49 (June 1960)
Rex's Amazing Treasure Hunt (The Adventures of Rex The Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #49 (June 1960)
The World of Flying Men (Captain Comet)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #26 (June 1960)
The Case of the Martian Witness! (Star Hawkins)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #26 (June 1960)
The Boy Who Saved the Earth!
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #18 (July 1960)
It's a Woman's World!
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #19 (July 1960)
The Invisible Destroyer (Green Lantern)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #19 (July 1960)
The Mark of a Reporter (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #19 (July 1960)
The Deadly Boots of Dan Foley (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #47 (July 1960)
The Mystery of the Elongated Man! (Flash; Elongated Man)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #47 (July 1960)
Mystery of the Elongated Man! (Flash; Elongated Man)
Comic: Cover
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #27 (July 1960)
The Secret Life of "Streak" Saunders! (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #27 (July 1960)
The Unknown Millionaire of Big Town (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #20 (August 1960)
The Creature that Couldn't Die (Green Lantern)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #20 (August 1960)
Trial by Magic (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #28 (August 1960)
The Man Who Cheated Death! (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #52 (September 1960)
Canine Buckaroo! (Rex the Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #29 (September 1960)
The Great Space-Tiger Hunt
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #49 (September 1960)
Danger in the Air! (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #52 (September 1960)
Big Town Blockbuster (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #52 (September 1960)
The Rise of the Atomic Knights! (The Atomic Knights)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #52 (September 1960)
[The Rise of the Atomic Knights!] The Atomic Knights, Part II (The Atomic Knights)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #50 (October 1960)
The Man Who Claimed the Earth (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #50 (October 1960)
The Case of the Counterfeit Credits (A Star Hawkins Story)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #53 (October 1960)
The Indestructible Menace!
Comic: Comic story



  • 9 Apr 2018

Last updated

  • 3 Sep 2019