Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #56 (January 1961) — The Race of a Lifetime (The Adventures of Rex The Wonder Dog)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #56 (January 1961) — Shadow of the Underworld (Big Town)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #56 (January 1961) — Secret of the Twelve Eternals (Captain Comet)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #53 (January 1961) — The Day Flash Weighed 1000 Pounds (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #53 (January 1961) — The Case of the Red-Hot Robot (Star Hawkins)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #23 (February 1961) — Balloon Raiders of the Prairie (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #57 (February 1961) — The Ghost of Captain Comet! (Captain Comet)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #22 (March 1961) — The Ambush of the Painted Wagon (Foley of the Fighting 5th)
Comic: Comic story
Century Plus Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #58 (March 1961) — The Cavemen of Metro (Atomic Knights)
Comic: Comic story
Five-Score Plus Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #35 (March 1961) — One-Way Trip to Mars!
Comic: Comic story