Bob Brown United States

20 August 1915 in United States
? January 1977 in United States
61 years
Credited for


Also known as

William Robert Brown

W.R. Brown (pen name)

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Showing items 151 to 175 of 460

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #31 (June 1962)
Multi-Man, Master of Earth (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #30 (July 1962)
Space Ranger's Invincible Enemy (The Space Ranger)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #30 (July 1962)
Captives of the Alien Hunter (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #32 (August 1962)
The Dinosaurs of Space (The Space Ranger)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #32 (August 1962)
Return of the Invincible Pharaoh (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #31 (September 1962)
The Man Who Could Move Worlds (The Space Ranger)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #32 (November 1962)
The 1,001 Impossible Inventions (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #34 (December 1962)
The Revolt of the Terrible FX-1 (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #34 (December 1962)
Space Ranger's Last Voyage (The Space Ranger)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic (Colour Comics, 1961 series) #76 (January 1963)
The Demon Sorcerer of Saturn (The Space Ranger)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #33 (January 1963)
Master of the Volcano Men (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #35 (February 1963)
The War Between the Challenger Teams (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #35 (February 1963)
The Man who Petrified Heroes (The Space Ranger)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic (Colour Comics, 1961 series) #77 (February 1963)
Four Roads to Doomsday (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic (Colour Comics, 1961 series) #78 (March 1963)
The Riddle of the Faceless Man (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #36 (April 1963)
The Fifth Challenger
Comic: Comic story
Bumper Western Comic (Colour Comics, 1959 series) #15 (May 1963)
Untitled (Tomahawk)
Comic: Cover
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #37 (June 1963)
The Man Who Saved the Challenger's Lives, Chapter 1 (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #37 (June 1963)
Chapter 2: The Secret from the Challengers' Past (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #37 (June 1963)
Chapter 3: The Warrior from 1,000 A.D. (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
Mighty Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #35 (June 1963)
Multi-man... Villain Turned Hero (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
Century Comic (Colour Comics, 1961 series) #86 (August 1963)
Untitled (Tomahawk)
Comic: Cover
Five-Score Comic Monthly (Colour Comics, 1961 series) #64 (August 1963)
Untitled [The Pirates of the 1,000 Islands!] (Tomahawk)
Comic: Comic story
All Favourites Comic (Colour Comics, 1960 series) #38 (August 1963)
Cosmo Turns Traitor (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story
The Hundred Comic (Colour Comics, 1961 series) #85 (October 1963)
The Threat of the Trojan Robot (Challengers of the Unknown)
Comic: Comic story



  • 9 Apr 2018

Last updated

  • 26 Jul 2019