Ben Oda United States

21 December 1915 in United States
? November 1984 in United States
68 years
Credited for



Also known as

Ben Kazuhito Oda

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Who's Who of American Comic Books

Wikipedia (English)

Showing items 1001 to 1100 of 1265

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Super Heroes (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (April 1983)
Reprise (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (April 1983)
The Case of the Impossible Crimes (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #4 (April-May 1983)
The Turnabout Trap (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (March-April 1983)
The De-Volver (Superman and Black Lightning)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (March-April 1983)
Testing of a Hero (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (March-April 1983)
Oil Oil...Nowhere (Batman and Black Lightning)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (April-May 1983)
Closed Circuit (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (April-May 1983)
Who Dies For the Manikin? (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (April-May 1983)
Menace of the Human Firefly (The Creeper)
Comic: Comic story
Clash of the Titans (Federal, 1983) (May 1983)
When Titans Clash (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
Clash of the Titans (Federal, 1983) (May 1983)
Clash of the Titans (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
Starfire (Federal, 1983) (April-May 1983)
Like Puppets on a String! (Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
Starfire (Federal, 1983) (April-May 1983)
Promethium Unbound! (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
Superman III (Federal, 1983?) (June 1983)
I Have Met the Enemy… and He Is Me! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #5 (1983)
[The Lazarus Affiar] Chapter Three: Infinity Island (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #5 (1983)
The Lazarus Affair Chapter One: Fallout (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #5 (1983)
[The Lazarus Affair] Chapter Two: The China Syndrome… (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #5 (1983)
[The Lazarus Affair] Chapter Four: Ashes to Ashes (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #5 (1983)
Comic: Comic story
Justice League of America (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (July 1983)
Proteus Says: "All Things Must Change!" (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story
Justice League of America (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (July 1983)
Who Can Stop the Shaggy Man? (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (July 1983)
The Long Grey Line of Death (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (July 1983)
The Fantastic Foe Superman Could Never Meet! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (July 1983)
Momentus, Master of the Moon! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #4 (July 1983)
A Man Called Mole! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (August 1983)
Vengeance of the Altered Man (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (August 1983)
Sinister Spectacle of the Sunspotter (Air Wave)
Comic: Comic story
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (August 1983)
The Power of the Pi-Meson Man (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #6 (August 1983)
A Sweet Kiss of Poison... (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #1 (August 1983)
Revolution (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
Super Heroes (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (August 1983)
The Mark of the Beast (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
The New Adventures of Superboy (Federal, 1984 series) #2 [1] (August 1983) (August 1983)
The Heroic Failures of Superboy (The New Adventures of Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
The New Adventures of Superboy (Federal, 1984 series) #2 [1] (August 1983) (August 1983)
The Superboy Who Never Was (The New Adventures of Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
The New Adventures of Superboy (Federal, 1984 series) #2 [1] (August 1983) (August 1983)
Blind Boy's Bluff ([Superboy])
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #6 (August 1983)
Nine Lives Has the Cat… (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #6 (August 1983)
Head-Hunt by a Mad Hatter (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #6 (August 1983)
Monster My Sweet! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #4 (September 1983)
This is My World, and You're Welcome to It (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #4 (September 1983)
The Last Dance (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl (Federal, 1984 series) #2 (September 1983)
A Very Strange and Special Girl (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
The Flash (Federal, 1983?) (September 1983)
The Self-Destruct Flash (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
The Flash (Federal, 1983?) (September 1983)
Road to Oblivion! (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (September 1983)
Battle of the Super-Hyper Powers (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Adventure (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (September 1983)
Between Friend and Foe (Superman and Green Lantern)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (September 1983)
Food for a God (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (September 1983)
The Ones that Almost Got Away (Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (September 1983)
The War for Peace (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Red Tornado (Federal, 1983?) (November 1983)
Quest for Genesis (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story
Red Tornado (Federal, 1983?) (November 1983)
Future Shock! (Red Tornado)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (December 1983)
Ashes to Ashes (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (December 1983)
Where Nightmares Begin (Superman and The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (December 1983)
Dear Mom and Dad (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (December 1983)
Beware the Wrath of...Brother Blood (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Federal, 1983 series) #4 (December 1983)
This is the Day the Universe Dies (Legion of Super-Heroes)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #7 (January 1984)
Calling Doctor Death (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #1 (January 1984)
Beasts of Plague (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (February 1984)
Flashback (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (February 1984)
Dr. Alchemy and Mr. Desmond (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Federal Comics Starring Batman (Federal, 1983 series) #6 (February 1984)
Diamonds Aren't Forever (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Justice League of America (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (February 1984)
The Return of the Starfish Conquerer! (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story
Justice League of America (Federal, 1983 series) #3 (February 1984)
Destiny Is a Stacked Deck (Justice League of America)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #7 (February 1984)
Is Superman Going...Going...Gone? (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #8 (February 1984)
...Is Better Than None! (Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
FC Comics Presents Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (February 1984)
The Man Who Created Villains! (Superman; Dial "H" for Hero)
Comic: Comic story
The New Adventures of Superboy (Federal, 1984 series) #2 (February 1984)
The Man who Kidnapped Nature (The New Adventures of Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
The New Adventures of Superboy (Federal, 1984 series) #2 (February 1984)
Clark Kent--the Grooviest Guy in Smallville (The New Adventures of Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
FC Comics Presents Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (February 1984)
The Assault of the Aquarian Attackers (Dial "H" for Hero)
Comic: Comic story
FC Comics Presents Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (February 1984)
There'll Be Some Interchanges Made (Dial "H" for Hero)
Comic: Comic story
FC Comics Presents Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (February 1984)
By the Light of the Silversmith (Dial "H" for Hero)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #7 (February 1984)
Father Nature's Folly (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #7 (February 1984)
Today Superman... Tomorrow the World (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #8 (February 1984)
Half a hero… (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #8 (February 1984)
The Deadliest Show on Earth! (Robin the Boy Wonder)
Comic: Comic story
Man-Bat (Federal, 1984?) (February 1984)
Prescription for Tragedy (Batman and Man-Bat)
Comic: Comic story
Man-Bat (Federal, 1984?) (February 1984)
The Ghost of Wayne Mansion (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Man-Bat (Federal, 1984?) (February 1984)
Shadow Play (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
FC Comics Presents Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #5 (February 1984)
The Man Who Created Villains! (Superman; Dial "H" for Hero)
Comic: Cover
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (March 1984)
Magic Menace this Way Comes! (Superman and Batman and Robin)
Comic: Comic story
Superman and Batman (Federal, 1984?) (March 1984)
When Hell Breaks Loose (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl (Federal, 1984 series) #3 (March 1984)
This Meeting Will Come To Disorder (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl (Federal, 1984 series) #3 (March 1984)
Stand-Ins For Supergirl (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
The New Teen Titans (Federal, 1983 series) #4 (March 1984)
Kidnapped (The New Teen Titans)
Comic: Comic story
Wonder Woman Album (Federal, 1984) (March 1984)
Swan Song (Wonder Woman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Adventure (Federal, 1984 series) #2 (March 1984)
Final Secret of the Super-Sons (Superman and Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (March 1984)
The Plot against the Human Race (Captain Marvel / Shazam!)
Comic: Comic story
Super Action (Federal, 1983 series) #2 (March 1984)
Blood on the Sun (Doctor Fate)
Comic: Comic story
Corridors of Fear! (Federal, 1984?) (March 1984)
Limited Engagement
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #8 (April 1984)
A Mind-Switch in Time! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #8 (April 1984)
The Day That Lasted Forever! (Superboy)
Comic: Comic story
Superman (Federal, 1983 series) #8 (April 1984)
Whose Super-Life Is It, Anyway? (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Legion of Super-Heroes (Federal, 1984 series) #5 (April 1984)
The Planet that Captured the Legion (Legion of Super-Heroes)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #9 (April 1984)
Blood Sport (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman (Federal, 1982 series) #9 (April 1984)
What Stalks the Gotham Night? (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Justice League of America (Federal, 1983 series) #4 (April 1984)
The Good… the Bad… and the Unexpected! (The Flash)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and the Outsiders (Federal, 1985 series) #7 (April 1984)
The Mystery Murderer of "Mrs. Batman"! (Unsolved Cases of the Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and the Outsiders (Federal, 1985 series) #7 (April 1984)
The Academy of Crime Part I: College for Killers (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Batman and the Outsiders (Federal, 1985 series) #7 (April 1984)
Part Two: "Academy of Crime" Final Exams! (Batman)
Comic: Comic story
Superman Starring in Action Comics (Federal, 1984 series) #3 (April 1984)
Battle Beneath the Earth! (Superman)
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Federal, 1985 series) #4 (May 1984)
A Dark and Frozen Purgatory! (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story
Supergirl (Federal, 1985 series) #4 (May 1984)
Echoes of Times Gone By (Supergirl)
Comic: Comic story



  • 1 Apr 2018

Last updated

  • 16 Jul 2019