Maurice Bramley Australia

11 September 1898 in New Zealand (Aotearoa)
15 June 1975 in Australia
76 years
Credited for






Also known as

Bram (pen name)

Bramley (pen name)

Maurice William Bramley (birth name)


Maurice Bramley [by Kerwin Maegraith] (1937)

Man Leaps to Line, Saves Woman's Life [Maurice Bramley] (1949?)

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Maurice Bramley was born in New Plymouth, New Zealand and migrated to Sydney in the mid-1920s.

From the 1930s, Bramley worked as a commercial artist The World's News and Woman and Woman's Budget (Sun/Associated Newspapers), with many covers and illustrations for the company through into the 1950s. During the second world war, he worked on recruitment posters for the Department of National Service. His 1943 poster 'Join Us in a Victory Job' was used on a postage stamp in 1991.

In the mid-1940s, he began a long association with AGP/Transport/Horwitz painting covers for pulp novels and later covers and filler stories for its reprints of US comics. He later provided full stories in issues of Navy Action (1960) and The Phantom Commando (1960).

After Horwitz stopped publishing comics, Bramley continued drawing covers, fillers and some entire stories for Yaffa/Page, including Frogman (~1967) and The Fast Gun (~1970).

Showing items 601 to 700 of 887

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Giant Western Gunfighters (Horwitz, 1961? series) #5 (March 1962)
Blazing Adventures of the Wild West!
Comic: Cover
Giant Gunsmoke Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #16 (March 1962)
Comic: Cover
The Fast Gun (Horwitz, 1958? series) #16 (March 1962)
Shoot Him on Sight!
Comic: Comic story
The Fast Gun (Horwitz, 1958? series) #16 (March 1962)
Black Cyclone
Comic: Comic story
Giant Western Gunfighters (Horwitz, 1961? series) #6 (April 1962)
They Rode into Gun-Trouble!
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw: a Giant Western (Horwitz, 1961 series) #23 (April 1962)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Kid Slade Gunfighter (Horwitz, 1957? series) #10 (April 1962)
Untitled [The Bullet Proof Man] (Kid Slade Gunfighter)
Comic: Cover
Kid Slade Gunfighter (Horwitz, 1957? series) #10 (April 1962)
The Red Indian (Western Scrapbook)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #128 (April 1962)
Western Scrapbook
Comic: Comic story
Giant Gunsmoke Western (Horwitz, 1958 series) #17 (April 1962)
When Six-guns Blazed for Justice…
Comic: Cover
Battle Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #76 (May 1962)
Comic: Cover
Battle Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #76 (May 1962)
Grey Giant
Comic: Comic story
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #135 (June 1962)
War Hawk's Braves (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #6 (June 1962)
Burma Mission (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
Giant Wyatt Earp (Horwitz, 1959 series) #5 (June 1962)
Untitled (Wyatt Earp)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #6 (June 1962)
Burma Mission (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #31 (July 1962)
Guns Blaze on the Tombstone Trial…
Comic: Cover
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #136 (July 1962)
Rides Again (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Cover
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #32 (September 1962)
Five Guns against the Kid (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Cover
Giant Wyatt Earp (Horwitz, 1959 series) #6 (September 1962)
Danger Awaited the Famous Frontier Marshal! (Wyatt Earp)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #130 (October 1962)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #7 (October 1962)
No title recorded (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #7 (October 1962)
Frogman (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #7 (October 1962)
V.I.P. to Casablanca (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #7 (October 1962)
Unterseeboot Lair (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #131 (November 1962)
Dakota Dixon (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #140 (November 1962)
Untitled (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #8 (November 1962)
Untitled (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #8 (November 1962)
Firing Squad (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #8 (November 1962)
The Commandos, Featuring the Masked Trumpeter (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #8 (November 1962)
Whistling Death (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
Giant Wyatt Earp (Horwitz, 1959 series) #7 (November 1962)
Justice (Wyatt Earp)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #8 (November 1962)
Hit and Run (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #140 (November 1962)
Comic: Text article
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #131 (November 1962)
Famous Chiefs
Comic: Illustration
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #33 (November 1962)
The Giant of Rawhide Ridge! (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #132 (December 1962)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #141 (December 1962)
Untitled (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #133 (January 1963)
The Hunted (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #9 (January 1963)
The Raiders (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #9 (January 1963)
Flame over Korea (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #9 (January 1963)
The Big Gun (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #9 (January 1963)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #9 (January 1963)
The Raiders (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #134 (February 1963)
The Circus of Crime (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #10 (February 1963)
Buccaneer of the Skies (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
Ringo Kid (Horwitz, 1955 series) #9 (March 1963)
Cory Rand and the Powerful Dull Knife! (Ringo Kid)
Comic: Cover
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #1 (March 1963)
The Return of the Wizard! (The Human Torch)
Comic: Cover
Combat Casey (Horwitz, 1960 series) #11 (March 1963)
Untitled (Combat Casey)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #136 (April 1963)
The Kid Goes East (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #2 (April 1963)
The Teen-Ager who Ruled the World…!
Comic: Cover
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #145 (April 1963)
Untitled (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #11 (April 1963)
The Doodle Bug! (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #11 (April 1963)
Doodlebug (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #2 (April 1963)
Noises against the Moon
Comic: Illustration
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #36 (April 1963)
The Killer and the Kid (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Cover
Battle Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #77 (May 1963)
Revolt in the Desert
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #12 (May 1963)
Untitled (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #12 (May 1963)
Night Hawks (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #12 (May 1963)
Bismarck Ahoy! (Phantom Commando)
Comic: Comic story
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #37 (May 1963)
Untitled (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Cover
Combat Kelly (Horwitz, 1955 series) #12 (May 1963)
Untitled (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Cover
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #146 (May 1963)
Gun-Fight in Laramie
Comic: Comic story
Combat Kelly (Horwitz, 1965? series) #13 (1965)
Untitled (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Cover
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #4 (July 1963)
Stranger Still (Stranger Still)
Comic: Comic story
Rawhide Kid (Horwitz, 1963 series) #2 (July 1963)
Gun Duel in Trigger Gap (Rawhide Kid)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #138 (July 1963)
Duel in the Desert… (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #4 (July 1963)
The Impossible Man (Fantastic Four)
Comic: Cover
Battle Action (Horwitz, 1954 series) #78 (July 1963)
Comic: Cover
Rawhide Kid (Horwitz, 1963 series) #2 (July 1963)
Men of the West
Comic: Text article
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #139 (August 1963)
What Makes the Cowboy Tick?
Comic: Text article
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #139 (August 1963)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #5 (August 1963)
Untitled (Spider-Man)
Comic: Cover
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #13 (August 1963)
Untitled (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
Combat Kelly (Horwitz, 1955 series) #13 (August 1963)
Untitled (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Cover
Rawhide Kid (Horwitz, 1963 series) #3 (August 1963)
The Rawhide Kid Strikes Back!
Comic: Cover
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #6 (September 1963)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #140 (September 1963)
Bullets Can't Stop Him! (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #39 (September 1963)
There's Trouble Brewing for the Kid (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Cover
Strange Tales (Horwitz, 1963 series) #6 (September 1963)
Untitled (The Mighty Thor)
Comic: Cover
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #39 (September 1963)
Styles Change in Meat
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #141 (October 1963)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #141 (October 1963)
Killers of the West (Killers of the West)
Comic: Text article
The Phantom Commando (Horwitz, 1959? series) #14 (October 1963)
Untitled (The Phantom Commando)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #142 (November 1963)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Sgt. Fury (Horwitz, 1963 series) #1 (November 1963)
Seven Doomed Men! (Sgt. Fury)
Comic: Cover
Sgt. Fury (Horwitz, 1963 series) #1 (November 1963)
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #142 (November 1963)
Game of the West.
Comic: Comic story
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #40 (November 1963)
Untitled (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Cover
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #150 (November 1963)
Untitled (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #143 (December 1963)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Two-Gun Kid (Horwitz, 1961 series) #41 (December 1963)
Untitled (Two-Gun Kid)
Comic: Cover
Sgt. Fury (Horwitz, 1963 series) #2 (December 1963)
Untitled (Sgt. Fury)
Comic: Cover
Sgt. Fury (Horwitz, 1963 series) #2 (December 1963)
Back From "Powder Puff Lane"
Comic: Comic story
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #143 (December 1963)
Where Buffalo Bill Got His Name
Comic: Text article
Combat Kelly (Horwitz, 1955 series) #15 (December 1963)
Untitled (Combat Kelly)
Comic: Cover
Rawhide Kid (Horwitz, 1963 series) #4 (January 1964)
Untitled (Rawhide Kid)
Comic: Cover
Buffalo Bill (Horwitz, 1958? series) #152 (January 1964)
Untitled (Buffalo Bill)
Comic: Cover
Kid Colt Outlaw (Horwitz, 1959 series) #144 (January 1964)
Untitled (Kid Colt Outlaw)
Comic: Cover
Rawhide Kid (Horwitz, 1963 series) #5 (February 1964)
Untitled (Rawhide Kid)
Comic: Cover



  • 28 Feb 2015

Last updated

  • 6 Feb 2021