Jon D'Agostino United States

13 July 1929 in Italy
28 November 2010 in United States
81 years
Credited for



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Who's Who of American Comic Books

Showing items 151 to 175 of 198

Australian printings by date (Try a search for more information)    
Ghostly Tales (KG Murray, 1977 series) #1 (1977)
Results from the Unknown!
Comic: Comic story
Ghostly Tales (KG Murray, 1977 series) #1 (1977)
A Powerful Tale!
Comic: Comic story
Ghostly Tales (KG Murray, 1977 series) #1 (1977)
Where Can Heaven Be?
Comic: Comic story
Pureheart the Powerful (Gredown, 1977 series) #1 (September 1977)
Mite and Maim Part I (Pureheart the Powerful)
Comic: Comic story
Pureheart the Powerful (Gredown, 1977 series) #1 (September 1977)
Mite and Maim Part II (Pureheart the Powerful)
Comic: Comic story
Out of this World (Gredown, 1977? series) #1 (January 1978)
The Little Things!
Comic: Comic story
Devil's Doom (Gredown, 1978 series) #1 (1978)
He Shall Have Vengeance
Comic: Comic story
Pureheart the Powerful (Gredown, 1977 series) #2 (January 1978)
The Ptomaine Terror (Pureheart the Powerful)
Comic: Comic story
The Mighty Thor (Yaffa/Page, 1977 series) #2 (March 1978)
On the Trail of the Tomorrow Man! (Thor the Mighty)
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 1 (Murray, 1977 series) #7 (April 1978)
Captain Atom on Planet X (Captain Atom)
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 1 (Murray, 1977 series) #7 (April 1978)
The Silver Lady from Venus (Captain Atom)
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 1 (Murray, 1977 series) #7 (April 1978)
An Ageless Weapon (Captain Atom)
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 1 (Murray, 1977 series) #7 (April 1978)
The Boy and the Stars (Captain Atom)
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 1 (Murray, 1977 series) #7 (April 1978)
The Space Prowlers (Captain Atom)
Comic: Comic story
The Fastest Gun Western (Murray, 1977 series) #32 (May 1978)
Last Laugh of Laughing Sam
Comic: Comic story
Ghostly Tales (Murray, 1978 series) #4 (May 1978)
Return to Nowhere! (Mr. Dedd)
Comic: Cover
Jughead as Captain Hero (Gredown, 1976?) (June 1978)
The Collector (Jughead as Captain Hero)
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 1 (Murray, 1977 series) #11 (August 1978)
Army of the Dead!
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 2 (Murray, 1979 series) #2 (February 1979)
No title recorded
Comic: Cover
Out of this World (Gredown, 1977? series) #2 (1977)
The Time Chamber
Comic: Comic story
Planet Series 2 (Murray, 1979 series) #2 (February 1979)
The Secret Air Force
Comic: Comic story
The Fastest Gun Western (Murray, 1977 series) #36 (July 1979)
Winter Famine (Frontier Scout Dan'l Boone [Daniel Boone])
Comic: Comic story
It's Archie (Yaffa Publishing, 198-? series) #1 (1979)
Untitled (Hot Dog)
Comic: Cover
The Fastest Gun Western (Murray, 1977 series) #37 (October 1979)
Apache Prisoner (Texas Rangers in Action)
Comic: Comic story
Secret Romances (Murray, 1979? series) #35 (January 1980)
Boy Crazy
Comic: Comic story



  • 19 Sep 2019

Last updated

  • 19 Sep 2019