
...covering Australian comics

Tip-Top Comics


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Showing items 1 to 75 of 190

Issues sorted chronologically Status
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #81 ([January 1948?])
—The Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #82 ([February 1948?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #83 ([March 1948?])
—the Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #84 ([April 1948?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #85 ([May 1948?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #86 ([June 1948?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #87 ([1948?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #88 ([August 1948?])
—Tip-Top Comics—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #89 ([September 1948?])
—Tip-Top comics—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #90 ([October 1948?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #91 ([November 1948?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #92 ([December 1948?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Red Ryder Special (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #[6] ([January 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #93 ([January 1949?])
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #115 ([February 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #122 ([February 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #94 ([February 1949?])
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #116 ([March 1949?])
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #117 ([April 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #124 ([April 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder Special (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #[7] (April 1949)
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #96 ([April 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #125 ([May 1949?])
—The Adventures of Buck Rogers
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #97 ([May 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #98 ([June 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder Special (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #8 ([July 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #99 ([July 1949?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #121 ([August 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #128 ([August 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #129 ([September 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder Special (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #9 ([October 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #102 ([October 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #130 ([October 1949?])
—Adventures of Buck Rogers
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #123 ([October 1949?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #103 ([November 1949?])
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #124 ([November 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #131 ([November 1949?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #132 ([December 1949?])
—Adventures of Buck Rogers
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #104 ([December 1949?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Red Ryder Special (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #10 ([January 1950?])
Australia Marmaduke Mouse (Southdown Press, 1949? series) #4 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Marmaduke Mouse
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #133 ([January 1950?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #105 ([January 1950?])
—Adeventures of Red Ryder
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #127 ([February 1950?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #134 ([February 1950?])
—Adventures of Buck Rogers
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #106 ([February 1950?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Egbert (Southdown Press, 1950? series) #2 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Egbert
Australia Marmaduke Mouse (Southdown Press, 1949? series) #6 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Marmaduke Mouse
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #135 ([March 1950?])
—Adventures of Buck Rogers
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #107 ([March 1950?])
Australia Red Ryder Special (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #11 (April 1950)
Australia Marmaduke Mouse (Southdown Press, 1949? series) #7 ([1950?])
Australia Egbert (Southdown Press, 1950? series) #3 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Egbert
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #108 ([April 1950?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #129 ([April 1950?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #137 ([May 1950?])
Australia Egbert (Southdown Press, 1950? series) #4 ([1950?])
Australia Marmaduke Mouse (Southdown Press, 1949? series) #8 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Marmaduke Mouse
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #130 ([May 1950?])
—Adventures of Hurricane Hawk
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #109 ([May 1950?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #110 ([June 1950?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Drago (Southdown Press, 1950?) ([1950?])
Australia Egbert (Southdown Press, 1950? series) #5 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Egbert
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #138 ([June 1950?])
—Adventures of Buck Rogers
Australia Buck Rogers Special (Southdown Press, 1950? series) ([June 1950?])
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #131 ([June 1950?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #111 ([July 1950?])
—Adventures of Red Ryder
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #132 ([July 1950?])
—Adventures of Hurricane Hawk
Australia Marmaduke Mouse (Southdown Press, 1949? series) #10 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Marmaduke Mouse
Australia Red Ryder Special (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #12 ([July 1950?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #139 ([July 1950?])
Australia Buck Rogers (Southdown Press, 1947? series) #140 ([August 1950?])
Australia Red Ryder the Fearless Cowboy (Southdown Press, 1945 series) #112 ([August 1950?])
Australia Hurricane Hawk (Southdown Press, 1947 series) #133 ([1950?])
—Adventures of Hurricane Hawk
Australia Buck Rogers Special (Southdown Press, 1950? series) #3 ([1950?])