Beacon Book
The Vagabond Lovers (Magazine Services Pty. Ltd., 1965?) has been grouped as part of a series of titles with related contents.
Books in this series are (probably) reprinted solely from US Beacon (part of the New York-based Universal Publishing Company) and published without dates or clear publication information. Numbering started at #151 rather than #1, which was common at the time. It was may have been intended to present these issues as a continuation of the US Beacon books.
K. G. Murray possibly used the semi-anonymous Magazine Services Pty. Ltd. because the racy tone of the novels contrasted with its broader mainstream magazine publishing. The majority of the books appear to have been retitled for Australian publication, generally to something less sleezy. However, the books are generally more tame than the covers suggest, using sex to sell what are basically mystery/romance novels.