The Weekend Comics
The Weekend Comics (Quo Productions Pty Ltd, 1990 series) has been grouped as part of a series of titles with related contents.
When this series' title changed and it went from fortnightly to monthly, the numbering appears to have been temporarily reset to #1 before resuming the previous sequence.
This series reprints newspaper strips, including Arlo and Janis, Augusta, B.C., Beau Peep, Beyond The Black Stump, Bloom County, Boomers Song, Cathy, Calvin and Hobbes, Doonsesbury, Duffy, Elwood, Flintstones, For Better of For Worse, Fred Basset, Garfield, Li'l Abner Meets The Bald Iggle, Mickey Mouse, Miss Peach, Mother Goose & Grimm, Nancy, Peanuts, Phoebes Place, Pogo, Robotman, Rose and Rose, Shoe, The Grizzwells, Tom and Jerry, and Wallnuts.
The Weekend Comics
Quo Productions Pty Ltd
#1 (1990) to #36 (1991)
The Comics
Quo Productions Pty Ltd
1 [37] (1991?) to #44 (1991?)