Magnus Robot Fighter

Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. (South Pacific Publications Limited and Rosnock Publications, 1975) has been grouped as part of a series of related series of one-shots.

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Show/hide 1. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. Junior Reader's Press #6-031 (January 1966)
Show/hide 2. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. Rosnock Pty. Ltd. #6-052 ([February 1966])
Show/hide 3. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. Rosnock Pty. Ltd. #6-080 ([June 1966])
Show/hide 4. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. Rosnock Publications #22087 ([December 1972])
Show/hide 5. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. Magazine Management #24026 (1974)
Show/hide 6. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. South Pacific Publications Limited and Rosnock Publications #24071 ([1974])
Show/hide 7. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. South Pacific Publications Limited and Rosnock Publications #25112 ([May 1975])
Show/hide 8. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. South Pacific Publications Limited and Rosnock Publications #25157 (1975)
Show/hide 9. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. South Pacific Publications Limited and Rosnock Publications #28024 (1978)
Show/hide 10. Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. South Pacific Publications Limited and Rosnock Publications #29029 ([April 1979])