Love Illustrated

Love Illustrated (Barmour Publications Pty. Ltd., 1952 series) has been grouped as part of a series of titles with related contents.

The exact issue where the publisher changes from Young's to Barmour/Barmor is unknown. Advertising in the issue indicates that issues were published monthly.

This series was banned by the Queensland Literature Board of Review from 23 July 1954. For further information see

This publication is referenced in the Victorian Parliament Hansard on 21 April 1954 (page 151) during discussion on the Police Offences (Obscene Publications) Bill as an example of 'obscene trash' being forced on newsagents by distributors. The Act aimed to ban the distribution of obscene magazines, including comics, with the aim that it prevent he sale at mainstream outlets and also discourage publication.

Series Hide all

Show/hide 1. Love Illustrated Young's Merchandising Company #1 (1951?) to #13 (1952?)




Show/hide 2. Love Illustrated Barmour Publications Pty. Ltd. #14 (1952) to #43 (1954)


