Jungle Action / Black Panther

Jungle Action (Yaffa Publishing Group, 1977 series) has been grouped as part of a series of titles with related contents.

For further information on the irregular numbering of thi series, see notesfromthejunkyard.blogspot.com/.../...ther.html

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Show/hide 1. Jungle Action Yaffa Publishing Group #1 (1977)
Show/hide 2. Jungle Action Featuring: The Black Panther Yaffa Publishing Group (Page Publications Pty, Ltd Division) #2 (1978)
Show/hide 3. Black Panther Yaffa Publishing Group (Page Publications Pty, Ltd Division) #3 (1979) to #4 (1980)
Show/hide 4. Jungle Action Yaffa Publishing Group (Page Publications Pty, Ltd Division) #2 (1980)
Show/hide 5. Jungle Action Featuring: The Black Panther Yaffa Publishing Group #5 (1980) to #5 (1981)
Show/hide 6. Black Panther Yaffa Publishing Group (Page Publications Pty, Ltd Division) #6 (1981) to #7 (1981)