Two-Gun Kid

Two-Gun Kid (Page Publications Pty. Ltd., 1969 series) has been grouped as part of a series of related titles with an ongoing title/feature.

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Show/hide 1. Two-Gun Kid Transport Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. #1 (1955) to #18? (1959?)
Show/hide 2. Two-Gun Kid Horwitz Publications Inc. Pty. Ltd. #19 (1961) to #47 (1966)
Show/hide 3. Two-Gun Kid Page Publications Pty. Ltd. #40 (1969) to #46 (1972?)
Show/hide 4. Two-Gun Kid Yaffa Publishing Group (Page Publications Pty, Ltd Division) #1 (1979) to #9 (1982?)
Show/hide 5. Two-Gun Kid Yaffa Publishing Group (Page Publications Pty, Ltd Division) ([1981?])