Five-Score Comic Monthly #76

September 1964
Page count
Cover price
2/- [0-2-0 AUP]
Black & white
Standard size
Interior paper
Cover stock
Glossy colour
Square bound
Comic series
Colour Comics Pty Ltd
Colour Comics Pty Ltd


, editor

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover The Terrible Secret of Negative Man! (The Doom Patrol) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. The Terrible Secret of Negative Man Part 2: The Toys of Terror (The Doom Patrol) Comic story, 17 pages
Show/hide 2. Cheyenne Challenge (Red Hawk) Comic story, 7 pages
Show/hide 3. The King of Nightmare Jungle (The Green Glob) Comic story, 9 pages
Show/hide 4. The Pirates of Fernando Isle (Captain Compass) Comic story, 6 pages
Show/hide 5. Buffalo Raiders of the Mesa! (Hopalong Cassidy) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 6. Prisoner of the Deep Comic story, 7 pages
Show/hide 7. Out of Nowhere Comic story, 3 pages
Show/hide 8. Do They Exist? Comic story, 6 pages
Show/hide 9. Untitled (Chief Hot Foot) Comic story, 1 page
Show/hide 10. Goblin in the Bottle Comic story, 6 pages
Show/hide 11. Untitled (Moolah the Mystic) Comic story, 1 page
Show/hide 12. The Fleet that was Jinxed (Captain Compass) Comic story, 6 pages
Show/hide 13. Recurrent Dream Comic story, 3 pages
Show/hide 14. Hangman's House (I--Spy (King Faraday)) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 15. I Will Send You a Big Free Collection of Stamps from Over 60 Different Countries (Peter Hastings) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 16. How Jack Seymour Changed from a Puny Weakling to a Real He-Man! (Home Physical Development Co.) Advertisement, 1 page


AusReprints ID

  • 936

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