Wolverine #189

Marvel Comics
United States
- Published
- June 2003
- Page count
- 36
- Cover price
- 2.25 USD; 3.75 CAD
- Colour
- Colour
- Size
- Modern Age size
- Interior paper
- Newsprint
- Cover stock
- Glossy colour
- Binding
- Saddle-stitched
- Format
- Comic series
- www.comics.org/issue/208582
- Editing
- Warren Simons, Assistant Editor
- John Miesegaes, Assistant Editor
- Axel Alonso, Editor
- Management
- Joe Quesada, Editor-in-Chief
Issue contents

Last Issue; New series begins with a new #1 next month, July 2003.
The indicia for this issue is not recorded. The identified publisher might be an associated or parent company, rather than the specific listed publisher.