Texan Western #33 King of the Road: A Short Novel

Whitman Press Pty. Ltd.
- Published
- December 1950
- Page count
- 52?
- Cover price
- 6d [0-0-6 AUP]
- Colour
- Black & white
- Size
- Pocket size
- Interior paper
- Newsprint
- Cover stock
- Glossy colour
- Binding
- Saddle-stitched
- Format
- Pulp series series (no comics)
- www.comics.org/issue/13562639
- Editing
- William Lynch, editor
Issue contents

Based on the life and deeds of Daniel Hogan, who was wanted for criminal offences in New South Wales, in 1862. An electonic copy of this book is available at https://viewer.slv.vic.gov.au/?entity=IE2002680.
The indicia for this issue is not recorded. The identified publisher might be an associated or parent company, rather than the specific listed publisher.