Four Color #341

Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
United States
- Published
- July 1951
- Page count
- 36
- Cover price
- 0.10 USD
- Colour
- Colour
- Size
- Standard size
- Interior paper
- Newsprint
- Cover stock
- Glossy colour
- Binding
- Saddle-stitched
- Format
- Comic series
- Editing
- Alice Nielson Cobb (managing editor)
Chase Craig (story editor)
Tom McKimson (art director)
Issue contents

Indicia title is "Walt Disney's Unbirthday Party with Alice in Wonderland No. 341." Code number is W.D.O.S. #341-517.
Credits for this issue based upon Alberto Becattini's "Disney Index - Dell Comic Books" Vols. 1 and 2 (Italy, 1992 and 1994).
The indicia for this issue is not recorded. The identified publisher might be an associated or parent company, rather than the specific listed publisher.