Superman #56

United States

DC Comics

United States

January-February 1949
Page count
Cover price
0.10 USD
Golden Age size
Interior paper
Cover stock
Glossy colour
Comic series
Newton Comics
Newton Comics


Whitney Ellsworth (editor) (credited)
Mort Weisinger (actual editor)

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover Smarty Pants (Superman) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. Editorial Advisory Board Promo (ad from the publisher), 0.33 pages
Show/hide 2. America's Greatest Comics Characters Promo (ad from the publisher), 0.67 pages
Show/hide 3. The Prankster Picks a Partner! (Superman) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 4. Henry Iba (Wheaties) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 5. The Man with the Purple Hand (Adventures of Sam Spade; Wildroot Cream-Oil) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 6. The Man Who Couldn't Laugh! (Superman) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 7. Untitled (Monark Super Deluxe) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 8. Gets the Bird! (Bazooka the Atom Bubble Boy) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 9. Untitled (Little Pete) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 10. Untitled (Northwestern Products Co.) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 11. Untitled (Jerry the Jitterbug) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 12. Untitled (Adventures of Nip & Tuck; Smith Brothers Cough Drops) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 13. The Spark of Life Text article, 2 pages
Show/hide 14. Untitled (Kellogg's Rice Krispies) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 15. Untitled (Casey the Cop) Comic story, 0.67 pages
Show/hide 16. Superman's Secret Message (Supermen of America) Promo (ad from the publisher), 0.33 pages
Show/hide 17. Untitled (Daffy & Doodle) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 18. Untitled (Irvin Foster Sportswear) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 19. Smartypants (Superman) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 20. Mystery Mine's Treasure! (Ray-o-Vac) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 21. Untitled (Columbia) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 22. Untitled (Shorty) Comic story, 1 page
Show/hide 23. Untitled (Schwinn) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 24. Untitled (Thom McAn) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 25. Untitled (National Radio Institute) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 26. What to Do If Lost in the Woods at Night (Eveready) Advertisement, 1 page


On sale date from the publication date reported to the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Series, Volume 2, Part 2, Number 2, Periodicals, July-December 1948. Class B periodical. Copyright registration number B161380.


AusReprints ID

  • 75012

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