Illustrated Romances #2

Young's Merchandising Company
- Published
- August 1951
- Page count
- 32?
- Cover price
- 6d [0-0-6 AUP]
- Colour
- Black & white
- Format
- Comic series
- Branding
- None
- Editing
- Andrea Court (editor)
Helen Churley (associate editor)
Raymond Hastings (associate editor)
Beryl Greenly (associate editor)
Anthony Quirkson (associate editor)
Meg Larkson (associate editor)
Lola Rose (art director)
Issue contents

It isn't known whether the listed editorial staff are Australian, fictional or from US reprint information.
Illustrated Romances Volume No. 1 No. 2. Editress: Andrea Court. Associates: Helen Churley—Raymond Hastings—Beryl Greenly—Anthony Quirkson—Meg Larkson. Art Director: Lola Rose. Drawn and printed in Australia by Jayar Studions and Sungravure Limited for the Publishers, Young's Merchandising company, 8 Spring Street, Sydney. Distributed throughout Australia by Gordon & Gotch (A/sia) Limited. Contents Copyright. All Rights Reserved.