Australian Mad Magazine #nn [220]

Horwitz Publications Pty Ltd
Issue contents

MAD—Entire contents copyright © 1980 by E. C. Publications., 485 MADison Avenue, New york, N.Y. 10022. the names of characters used in all MAD-fiction and semi-fiction are fictitious. A similarity without satiric purpose to a living person is a coincidence. This edition published 1980. Distributed by Horwitz Grahame Books Pty Ltd, 506 Miller Street, Cammeray 2062 and Gordon & Gotch (A/asia) Ltd, 114 William Street, Melbourne, Vic, 3000. National Library of Australia Card No. and ISBN 0 7255 1068 4. Printed in Australia by New Century Press Pty Limited, 5 Cumberland Street, Sydney 2000.