Dick Tracy #27

May 1950
Page count
Cover price
0.10 USD
Standard size
Interior paper
Cover stock
Glossy colour
Comic series


Leon Harvey, editor [credited]

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover Untitled (Dick Tracy) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. Sad Sack (Sad Sack) Promo (ad from the publisher), 1 page
Show/hide 2. Flat Top Escapes Prison (Dick Tracy) Comic story, 13 pages
Show/hide 3. Bobby Shelby and His Pals Form a Bike Safety Club (Bobby Shelby) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 4. Schwinn Makes the Fastest and Safest Bikes in the World (Arnold, Schwinn Company) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 5. The Trick Fails (Dick Tracy) Comic story, 2 pages
Show/hide 6. Untitled (Dubble Bubble Bubble Gum) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 7. Stay on the Beam with Delta Sealed Beam! (Delta Electric Company) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 8. Will Flattop Escape? (Dick Tracy) Comic story, 6 pages
Show/hide 9. Determining Direction; Tool Marks; Fingerprints (Crimestoppers Handbook) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 10. I'm Glad I Got This Swell All-Purpose Jacket (Youth Jacket Company) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 11. The Mysterious Clothes Vendor Prose story, 1 page
Show/hide 12. Untitled (Minit Mystery) Activity, 2 pages
Show/hide 13. Get This Super Duper Chain of Champions Key Ring! (Old Nick Candy Bar) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 14. How The F.B.I. Smashed A Spy Ring Prose story, 1 page
Show/hide 15. See Monark...Then Buy (Monark SIlver King, Inc.) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 16. Sensational Offer to Flower Lovers (Michigan Bulb Co.) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 17. Now Any Auto Repair Job Can be "Duck Soup" For You! (MoToR Book Department) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 18. Earn Your Daisy...I'll Show You How! (Daisy Manufacturing Co.) Advertisement, 1 page


On sale date based on house ad in Dick Tracy Comics Monthly No. 26.

Newspaper strip reprint data provided by Jeremy Pothast and entered by Gene Reed.


AusReprints ID

  • 48554

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