World's Finest Comics #63

United States

DC Comics

United States

March-April 1953
Page count
Cover price
0.15 USD
Silver Age size
Interior paper
Cover stock
Glossy colour
Comic series


Whitney Ellsworth, Editor [credited]
Jack Schiff, Managing Editor
Mort Weisinger, Story Editor
George Kashdan, Story Editor

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover Untitled (Superman; Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. Always Remember! Promo (ad from the publisher), 0.5 pages
Show/hide 2. Untitled (Seagee Co.) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 3. Clark Kent, Gangster (Superman) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 4. Untitled (Jerry The Jitterbug) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 5. Untitled (Necco) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 6. Untitled (Little Pete) Comic story, 0.67 pages
Show/hide 7. Untitled (Wildroot Cream-Oil) Advertisement, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 8. Archers of Yesteryear (The Green Arrow) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 9. Untitled (Bebe) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 10. Untitled (Baker's 4 in 1 Instant Cocoa Mix) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 11. Good Neighbor Spirit (Leave It to Binky) Public service announcement, 1 page
Show/hide 12. The Ship of Crime! (Captain Compass) Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 13. Untitled (Varsity Vic) Comic story, 2 pages
Show/hide 14. Untitled (Fleer's Dubble Bubble Gum) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 15. Editorial Advisory Board Promo (ad from the publisher), 0.5 pages
Show/hide 16. Untitled (Quick Quiz) Activity, 0.67 pages
Show/hide 17. Superman Is on Television! (The Adventures of Superman) Advertisement, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 18. The Comanche Conspiracy! (The Wyoming Kid) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 19. Tops in Comics! (Tomahawk; Buzzy) Promo (ad from the publisher), 0.67 pages
Show/hide 20. Untitled Statement of ownership, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 21. Untitled (Peg) Comic story, 1 page
Show/hide 22. Hunters in the Deep-Sea Text article, 2 pages
Show/hide 23. The Crime Capsule! (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 24. Untitled (Wilson Chem. Co.) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 25. Untitled (Jowett Institute of Physical Training) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 26. Untitled (Friendship Studios, Inc.) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 27. Bill Starts an Air Rifle Club (Daisy Air Rifles) Advertisement, 1 page


On-sale date from copyright registration.


AusReprints ID

  • 40752

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