Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #38

United States

DC Comics

United States

July 1959
Page count
Cover price
0.10 USD
Black & white
Comic series


Mort Weisinger

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover Olsen's Super-Supper! (Jimmy Olsen) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. Be Sure of Your Facts! (Buzzy) Public service announcement, 1 page
Show/hide 2. The MC of the Midnight Scare Theater! (Jimmy Olsen) Comic story, 8.67 pages
Show/hide 3. Tootsie Roll ad Advertisement, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 4. "I made quite an impression on Jean..." (Jerry Jitterbug) Comic story, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 5. Palisades Park ad Comic story, 0.67 pages
Show/hide 6. Blackhawk #138 Promo (ad from the publisher), 1 page
Show/hide 7. Jimmy Olsen's Wedding! (Jimmy Olsen) Comic story, 8.67 pages
Show/hide 8. Tootsie Roll Pops ad Advertisement, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 9. "All right, Pete" (Little Pete) Comic story, 0.67 pages
Show/hide 10. Coming Super-Attractions Promo (ad from the publisher), 0.33 pages
Show/hide 11. Untitled (Jimmy Olsen's Pen Pals) Letters page, 1 page
Show/hide 12. Olsen's Super-Supper! (Jimmy Olsen) Comic story, 7.67 pages
Show/hide 13. Tootsie Roll Fudge ad Advertisement, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 14. Bear + V = Brave (Annie Gram) Activity, 1 page


Some secondary sequences added by Ed Boner, July 2009.


AusReprints ID

  • 40476

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