Magic Moment Romances #13

Colour Comics Pty. Ltd.
- Published
- June 1959
- Page count
- 100
- Cover price
- 2/6 [0-2-6 AUP]
- Colour
- Black & white
- Size
- Standard size
- Interior paper
- Newsprint
- Cover stock
- Glossy colour
- Binding
- Square bound
- Format
- Comic series
- Branding
- 100 pages
- Colour Comics Pty Ltd
- Editing
- , editor
Issue contents

Except for the cover and first story, the rest of these stories are from Girls' Romances (DC, 1950 series) #10 (August-September 1951) and #11 (October-November 1951), nearly a decade earlier.
All stories but the first are also later reprinted in Falling in Love Romances (Colour Comics) #30 (1965).
Printed by Kenmure Press Pty. Ltd., Cnr. Derby and Wetherill Streets, Nth. Lidcombe, for the Proprietor, Colour Comics Pty. Ltd., Sydney, and produced by the K. G. Murray Publishing Company Pty. Ltd., 142 Clarence Street, Sydney, Gordon & gotch (Australia) Ltd., distributors for Australia and New Zealand. Sequences in this issue copyright National Comics Publications, Inc.