Magic Moment Romances #13

June 1959
Page count
Cover price
2/6 [0-2-6 AUP]
Black & white
Standard size
Interior paper
Cover stock
Glossy colour
Square bound
Comic series
100 pages
100 pages
Colour Comics Pty Ltd
Colour Comics Pty Ltd


, editor

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover The Hunted Heart Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. A Touch of Glamour for Your Hair-Do (Flair's 500 Hints Your Hair-Do: the Romantic Look) Promo (ad from the publisher), 1 page
Show/hide 2. The Hunted Heart! Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 3. Leave Me, My Love! Comic story, 9 pages
Show/hide 4. Exile from Happiness Comic story, 9 pages
Show/hide 5. Notice: Beware of Imitations (100 Page Strip) Promo (ad from the publisher), 1 page
Show/hide 6. Forgotten Kisses Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 7. Yesterday's Love Comic story, 9 pages
Show/hide 8. Second Sweetheart Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 9. My Uncertain Heart Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 10. Immune to Love Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 11. Pursuit of Heartbreak Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 12. Imprisoned Heart! Comic story, 9 pages
Show/hide 13. Come Back to Me! Comic story, 11 pages
Show/hide 14. A New Magazine Specially for Teens (Teens Today) Promo (ad from the publisher), 1 page
Show/hide 15. Freckles (Rice Research Laboratories) Advertisement, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 16. How to Slim Fat Legs (Hobi) Advertisement, 0.25 pages
Show/hide 17. Now You Too May Add Inches to Your Bustline (Hobi) Advertisement, 0.25 pages


Except for the cover and first story, the rest of these stories are from Girls' Romances (DC, 1950 series) #10 (August-September 1951) and #11 (October-November 1951), nearly a decade earlier.

All stories but the first are also later reprinted in Falling in Love Romances (Colour Comics) #30 (1965).


This issue includes help from

  • Anthony Gillies

AusReprints ID

  • 40144

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