The Brave and the Bold #4

United States

DC Comics

United States

February-March 1956
Page count
Cover price
0.10 USD
Comic series


Whitney Ellsworth (credited)
Robert Kanigher (actual)

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover The Robber Baron of Forest Perilous! (Silent Knight) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. Draw Me... (Art Instruction, Inc.) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 2. Robber Baron of Forest Perilous (Silent Knight) Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 3. "Begone from my daughter's presence, Sir Gillyhad" (Knights of the Square Table) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 4. They're Number 1 on My Christmas List (Winchester Roller Skates) Comic story, 0.5 pages
Show/hide 5. Do You Know How to Be a Good Baby-Sitter? (Buzzy) Public service announcement, 1 page
Show/hide 6. The Whirling Warrior (Viking Prince) Comic story, 7.67 pages
Show/hide 7. Daisy Gunbook Ready (Daisy Manufacturing Company) Advertisement, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 8. 100 Toy Soldiers $1.25 (Josely Co.) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 9. "What a contest!" (Laughing Arena) Comic story, 1 page
Show/hide 10. Knights in Armor Text article, 2 pages
Show/hide 11. Captive Champion (Golden Gladiator) Comic story, 7.67 pages
Show/hide 12. "That record'll repeat itself forever" (Fearless Fosdick) Advertisement, 0.33 pages
Show/hide 13. Identify Even the Strangest Stamps--at a Glance (Littleton Stamp Co.) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 14. Do You Need Extra Money? (Cheerful Card Company) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 15. Friends! Here's Here's How to Get at almost No Cost Your New Real, Live Miniature Dog (Dean Studios) Advertisement, 1 page
Show/hide 16. Given - Given - Given (Cloverine Brand Salve) Advertisement, 1 page


Cover pencils and inks credits confirmed from Julius Schwartz's editorial records, provided by DC Comics (28 August 2007). Script and art credits verified from copies of DC editorial records sent to Gene Reed from Nelson Bridwell in 1986.


AusReprints ID

  • 39094

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