DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #9

United States

DC Comics

United States

May 1981
Page count
Cover price
0.95 USD
Comic series


E. Nelson Bridwell

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover Untitled (Secret Origins) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. Untitled (Secret Origins) Foreword, introduction, preface, afterword, 1 page
Show/hide 2. Birth of the Atom (Atom) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 3. Battle of the Tiny Titans (Atom) Comic story, 15 pages
Show/hide 4. Swamp Thing (Swamp Thing) Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 5. The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl (Batman) Comic story, 16 pages
Show/hide 6. The Kid From Atlantis! (Aquaman) Comic story, 7 pages
Show/hide 7. The Origin of Green Lantern's Oath! (Green Lantern) Comic story, 9.67 pages
Show/hide 8. The Super-Dog from Krypton! (Superboy) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 9. The Origin of Doctor Fate (Doctor Fate) Comic story, 6 pages
Show/hide 10. The Green Arrow's First Case (Green Arrow) Comic story, 10 pages
Show/hide 11. The World's Worst Archer! (Green Arrow) Comic story, 7 pages
Show/hide 12. Follow the adventures of DC's sensational combat super-stars Promo (ad from the publisher), 1 page
Show/hide 13. 10 classic origin stories (Secret Origins) Illustration, 1 page


AusReprints ID

  • 35482

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