Giant Batman Album #17

March 1969
Page count
Cover price
20 cents
Black & white
Comic series
Colour Comics Pty Ltd
Colour Comics Pty Ltd


, editor

Issue contents Show all

Show/hide Cover The Secrets of the Batcave (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Cover, 1 page
Show/hide 1. The 1,000 Secrets of the Batcave (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 2. The Birth of the Batplane II (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 3. The Secret of Batmans Utility Belt (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 4. The 100 Batarangs of Batman (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 5. Secret of the Batmobile (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 8 pages
Show/hide 6. Gotham City's Strangest Race (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 12 pages
Show/hide 7. The Flying Bat-Cave (Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder) Comic story, 12 pages


This issue includes help from

  • Spiros Xenos

AusReprints ID

  • 2316

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