Superman #108

Colour Comics Pty. Ltd.
- Published
- July 1956
- Page count
- 24
- Cover price
- 9d [0-0-9 AUP]
- Colour
- Black & white
- Size
- Standard size
- Interior paper
- Newsprint
- Cover stock
- Matte colour
- Binding
- Saddle-stitched
- Format
- Comic series
- Branding
- Colour Comics Pty Ltd
- Editing
- , editor
Issue contents

This issue was not published with pricing variations for distribution in the United Kingdom. It is the last black and white issue before KG Murray temporarily converted to colour. The issue includes text promotions across the bottom of some pages for Hopalong Cassidy, Binky and Humpty Dumpty (a children's magazine).
Printed by Mentmore Press, for Colour Comics Pty. Ltd., Sydney, Proprietors and produced by the K. G. Murray Publishing Company Pty. Ltd., 56 Young Street, Sydney. Gordon and Gotch (Australasia) Ltd., distributors for Australia and New Zealand.