Western Fighters v1#12

United States
- Published
- November 1949
- Page count
- 52
- Cover price
- 0.10 USD
- Colour
- Colour
- Size
- Golden Age size
- Interior paper
- Newsprint
- Cover stock
- Glossy colour
- Binding
- Saddle-stitched
- Format
- Comic series
- www.comics.org/issue/226311
- Editing
- Ed Cronin, editor [as Edward Cronin]
Issue contents

Indicia: WESTERN FIGHTERS, published monthly by Hillman Periodicals, Inc., at 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Executive and Editorial Offices, 535 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Edward Cronin, Editor. Vol. 1, No. 12, November, 1949. Printed in the United States of America. Price 10¢ a copy, subscription rate $1.20 a year in the United States and possessions. Copyright 1949 by Hillman Periodicals, Inc. Entered as second class matter February 5, 1949, at the Post Office at Chicago, Ill., under the Act of March 3, 1879.
The indicia for this issue is not recorded. The identified publisher might be an associated or parent company, rather than the specific listed publisher.