
Captain Atom #24 in Japan [Harold Vaughan Dunkley] Photo




Kevin Patrick posted this image at the Old Australian Pre-Decimal Comics up to 1966 Facebook group, noting:

"The accompanying photo shows three unidentified Australian women assembling care packages of food, cigarettes and toiletries for Australian soldiers serving in Korea.

"The woman standing at the table to the right in the photo is holding a copy of the Australian comic book, Captain Atom, which will be included in the parcel. A close examination of the photo suggests this is issue #24 which, according to AusReprints, was published in February 1950.

"According to the Australian War Memorial record, the photo was taken in Japan circa November 1950 by Harold Vaughan Dunkley (AWM record - The accompanying caption suggests the women may have been Red Cross workers, but I've seen similar photos taken of women assembling care packages in this same building which indicate these women might be wives of Australian servicemen serving with the British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) in Japan."